Canadian Forces Station Alsask

An article by Chris & Connie.

Join us for a tour of the long decommissioned Canadian Forces Station base in Alsask Saskatchewan, in operation during the dark days of the Cold War. We’ll be given extra special permission and all the time we need to explore most of the of the buildings left standing in the extensive complex, inside and out, some of them still used for various functions, others closed up and literal time capsules.

We’ll be teaming up with the Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association out of Edmonton. They’re a dedicated group that documents military history from those strange and terrible times, when the world was just a button push away from annihilation.

Alsask is a small community in west-central Saskatchewan, right beside the Alberta border. If it’s not already clear – Al=Alberta, sask=Saskatchewan. Founded just over a century ago, with the coming of the railway, it’s a sleepy place today and is home to around a hundred people and some change. In the past, early in the town’s history and again when the base was in operation, many more people lived here.

Alsask SK forces base

The auditorium/gym is still used occasionally.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Scroll down for more photos and to comment ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

A bit of cold war history to set the tone…

Starting in the 1940s, tensions between the United States and its allies, of which Canada of course was one, and the Eastern Bloc countries lead by the USSR, came to a boiling point. Many felt nuclear war was imminent and in fact at times it came close to happening. We hated them, they hated us. To counter the threat the US and Canada established the North American Aerospace Defense Command or NORAD.

That group constructed a series of strategically placed radar installations across the land including this one in Alsask, which came online in 1963. It was part of “Pine Tree Line” and was the lowest geographically of three roughly parallel rows of radar installations spanning the country. The others were the “DEW Line” (Distant Early Warning) in the far north, then the “Mid-Canada Line” about half way between. They all had one purpose, to watch the skies, keeping an eye open for enemy missiles and planes coming in over the pole. If there was an attack, and dear God they thought for certain it was inevitable, this was the way it’d come.

In support of the radar station, a base was needed to house operation’s personnel. It was almost a town unto itself and there was detached living spaces for those who were married – PMQ: Private or Permanent Married Quarters depending on who you talk to, now called RHUs or Residential Housing Units. There was also barracks for those who were single, a large commissary, a church, school, power plant, many maintenance and support buildings, a fire department, even a jail.

As built it was originally called the Royal Canadian Air Force Station or RCAF Alsask but later came to be known as Canadian Forces Station or CFS Alsask (alternate, sometimes Canadian Forces Detachment or CFD Alsask) and was at the north end of town. The radar dome was a further north still and will be the subject of its own report soon enough.

The population of the base varied a bit. Most times, about a hundred and twenty five (or so) personnel were stationed here. Many were married, so add to that their families, plus a good number of civilian staff employed here and the sum of those at the base at any one time could top several hundred or more.

With the winding down of tensions, and changes in technology, the radar installation by the 1980s was no longer essential. It and the base closed in 1987, which no doubt was a massive blow to the local economy. Imagine losing half your population and a big income generator in one stroke of the pen. It must have looked like the end! Not the nuclear end, but economic.

After closing, some of the complex was re-purposed. The recreation centre and swimming pool were taken over by the village (now the RM of Milton comprising several small communities in the area) and are still used to this day. The PMQs became a senior’s village and the old school, their senior’s centre. A fish hatchery took over one building. Other structures, however, were locked up although many later ended up serving other functions – the barracks and former commissary, for example, now have a few people living in them. More on this in a bit.

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The photos used in this tour came from two visits to CFS Alsask, separated by a couple months. The weather was quite different each occasion.

Recall many of the buildings we’ll be showing and speaking of are not open to the public. Much of the place is private property.

The Recreation Centre sits at the heart of the complex. Inside is a snack bar, beauty salon, large auditorium/gym supported by huge laminate beams, several playrooms and a two lane five-pin bowling alley. Almost everything is still used to some degree or another. In the bunker-like basement (and it’s possible it was a bunker – read on) is the remains of an old sauna.

Like all the buildings we’ll visit today the decor in each is very retro, but charming anyway, reflecting the styles when the base was in operation. Reminding us this was a military complex, everything is laid out in an orderly, functional and utilitarian fashion.

Next door is the “Gopher Dip Pool”. This building was added in the late 1960s and is still used by townsfolk in the summer months. The day of our visit was the last weekend of operation for the season. It’s just too costly to run year round.

At the entrance to the base, across from the pool, was the former guard shack that protected the entrance. This also housed the CFS Alsask “jail”. The roof has partially collapsed, allowing the elements and pigeons, dozens and dozens of them, inside. Many had clearly decided this was home.

It was a bit too dangerous to enter not just due to the dilapidated state of the structure but also the bio-hazards associated with ankle-deep thick oozing piles of fresh pigeon poop. Not healthy! It was a grim pits of hell type place, and simply the smell alone was overpowering. Gag!

Nearby, but gone, is the location of the former cenotaph or memorial to the fallen.

We next head to the commissary, a building that is lived in. George, a nice old fellow, quiet and reserved, who we’ll soon meet along with his pooch, takes up residence on one side, his brother who was not around this day, on the other. Much of the interior is as built. He shows us the main kitchen area, equipment still in place, the eating halls, and various lounges, divided by rank. A room holds a pool table from the old base days along with a Foosball, shuffleboard and jukebox with all manner of retro tunes available for play. But wait, no pinball? A busy orange carpet, right out of the Brady house, lies underfoot. The walls are equally loud.

George takes us to the barracks across the parking lot. The building, or most of it, is his and he keeps all manner of interesting things on display here, almost set up as though it was a museum, but one that no one knows about. I think he sort of has aspirations to show his collection of this and that to more people, but may not be sure how to go about it. A room holds shelves full of old tabletop radios, all lovingly restored by him, another room model cars, another vintage model trains. That’s just scratching the surface. I could spend a day there. Or more.

We take a lunch break in George’s library, a meal supplied to us by our hosts and guides (thanks Lorriaie and Sarah) coming in from the only restaurant in town, all washed down some good old Vitamin P, Old style Pilsner or simply Pil. It’s a pale concoction that looks like it might be swill but is actually quite agreeable. We love it! It’s the much celebrated and revered “official brew of Saskatchewan” and all its peoples. Everyone in the province, old, young, perhaps some a little too young, seems to drink it religiously.

A burger, a beer, exploring an old military base. It couldn’t be more perfect. This is BIGDoer Nirvana.

We next check out the old power plant. It was for a time a fish hatchery after the base closed, but is now empty and gutted. The building’s current owner, who’s working on the interior, allows us on the roof which affords us a great view of pretty much the entire base including the dome a click or so away, which we’ll visit this same day but will be the subject of a separate article soon enough.

The old base fire hall was later used by the Alsask volunteer fire department, but not any more, although their old fire bus (a school bus with a huge built in water tank) remains inside as though ready for service at any time. Another part of the building is used by the town’s (now RMs) maintenance department and was for a time the town offices. A former workshop next door, now used for storage, has every available space on the ceiling and walls covered in naked ladies from the 1960s and 1970s (turn away if offended). How the heck did they get away with this in a military environment? Our hosts refer to it as “that” building.

A second maintenance shed next door was not visited and is privately owned. The administration building, which we pass next, was not toured either. The owner was not around. A few outbuildings, of little importance, at least to this story, were also skipped.

We head to the Tumbleweed Chapel (we go from pinups to pulpits), the church at the south end of the complex. It’s understood that the occasional service or even wedding is still held here. Confessionals suggest Catholic was the faith of choice for most military folks stationed at CFS Alsask, but I understand the facility was actually inter or multi-denominational (they served all faiths). That would be pretty typical. Light through the stained glass and the glow of that gaudy 1970s era carpets illuminates the interior with a strange almost psychedelic haze.

I survive another church without bursting into flames. It’s a good day.

Alsask SK bowling alley

The base bowling alley.

Across the road was the former base school, John A Silver Elementary (higher grades attended class elsewhere). It later years it was known as the Craft Centre and housed workshops (pottery, woodworking, etc) and a library. Last used in the 1990s when it was a senior’s community centre, the building is almost a sort of time capsule. Looking inside it’s like they just up and left one day and never returned. One section has a collapsed, floor and the roof nearly everywhere leaks badly.

Surrounding the former school is a long forgotten playground and some old ball diamonds.

An old road circles the base here with the lamp posts still in place. Old driveways fronting empty lots tell us this area was once housing. There used to be dozens and dozens of semi-portable residences here and were the places where the married personnel lived (remember they’re called PMQs). After closing they were used as a senior’s village. Only a few of these building’s remain now and are used as bases and accommodations for hunters visiting the region.

More disused playgrounds can be found here and there in the former residential area. Most everything else is gone

A small overgrown golf course is located beside the church. Looming over it and in the distance, looking much like a golf ball itself, is the radar dome, beckoning us to visit. We’re coming!

It’s rumoured that an underground bunker is located on the base grounds. Is it the basement of the rec-centre as we guessed at earlier? It seems too small but is heavily built. I can’t help think that if one does exist, and it seems plausible given this was a military base, that it’d be larger. Perhaps there are many? Who knows? One is also rumoured to be under or near the dome. So far no solid evidence has been found to support any of this. But still, everyone has this hunch.

What’s in store for the buildings and grounds here at CFS Alsask? Those structures that are used and lived in seems to have a solid enough future. The guard house is too far gone I’d say. The Craft Centre, the former school, might not fare well ether. It’s in bad shape.

There has been talk of incorporating the disused or little used buildings at the site into a museum dedicated to the operation and the Cold War era in general. Not an easy nor cheap proposition, but with a commitment I’ve seen it happen. The nearby dome of course is likely to become part of it all – it’s actually a recognized heritage site (the base itself is not) and since the two have always been so connected, it seems natural. This site is the last of its kind.

We’ll be keeping close watch on the place.

The Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association’s website can be viewed here…

The dome…
CFS Alsask Dome.

More articles of interest…
In Event of Nucular Attack!.
Tuner Valley gave us gas
Alberta 2005 Centennial Railway Museum – what’s going on?

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date: September, 2015.
Location: Alsask, SK.
Article references: Book: Captured Memories – A History of Alsask and Surrounding School Districts, Canadian Forces records, University of Regina, Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association.
A BIG thanks: Lorraine Wilke and Sara Kinch-Wilke and George and all the others who helped us when touring the site.
Much of the base is NOT publicly accessible. visited with permission.

Alsask SK snack bar

The snack bar.

Alsask Saskatchewan forces base

In back is a sign reminding us to flush the toilet. Who needs to be told that?

Playground Alsask

Looking out…

Alsask SK beauty salon

The beauty salon.

Air raid siren

The Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association’s truck.

Alsask forces base

Welcome to Alsask!

Canadian Forces Alsask

The former administration building which we did not enter.

CFS Alsask

Kitchen equipment still in place.

CFS Alsask commisary

Meal times…

CFS Alsask base

A place to unwind with a cold one.

CFS Alsask SK base

That carpet!

Toy truck collection

Former singles quarters now filled with George’s displays.

Old tabletop radios

Just a small part of his old radio collection.

CFS Alsask Saskatchewan

We’re being watched.

Wind up toy planes

A squadron of wind up planes ready for action.

Alsask Forces Base housing

Quiet hallways.

Alsask Base power plant

The former power plant building.

Canadian Forces Base Alsask

From the rooftop – the radar dome is seen in back.

Canadian Forces Base Alsask SK

This view takes in much of the base.

Nudie pin-ups

Nudies from long ago on a workshop ceiling.

Alsask base church

From pinups to pulpits, our next stop is the church.

Alsask SK base church

In a confessional.

Alsask Saskatchewan base church

We visited in the summer and captured this photo.

Canadian Forces Alsask

On our second visit in the fall the weather turned sour.

Alsask Base Craft Centre

The closed craft centre was earlier the base school.

Alsask Base library

The library.

Alsask SK Base craft centre

The pottery workshop is a time capsule – it’s like they just up and left one day.

Clay pottery

Unfinished work.

Disused forces base

Retro furniture in an otherwise empty room.

Disused forces base building

A floor in the Craft Centre has collapsed.

Alsask SK playground

A forgotten playground and the dome (it’ll be the subject of its own article).

Alsask Saskatchewan pool

The pool is still used in the summer.

Alsask SK retirement village

After closing, some of the base was used for senior housing – the sign remains.

Alsask base PMQs

Former PMQs (Private Married Qaurters).

Empty Alsask forces base

A lonely road in an empty section of the base.

139 responses

  1. Pierre Parent, Gimli, Manitoba says:

    Greetings one and all.
    I transferred to Alsask in Apr.1967 and left on Jan.1969.
    Somewhere on the this well researched story, there’s a mention of the “Gopher Dip”
    I am very familiar with the swimming pool since I was the first one to dive into it after it was filled on June 21, 1968. I had to turn off a drain valve at the bottom and in preparation for this moment, I walked around for a week wearing my swim trunks under my uniform.
    I want to share a bit of history about this pool.
    Many of the single fellows on the base used to work for “Reg Campbell” in Oyen who ran a cement operation. He would hire us on our days off to pour cement for the princely sum of $2.00 per hour (under the table).
    When the project of a pool arose on the base, the administration made arrangements to “borrow” Reg’s equipment. Being the good guy that he was, Reg agreed, as long as we operated his three small tractors with a one yard mixer mounted on the back.
    The base hired an outside contractor to oversee the project and it took a week or so to pour the required amount of cement. And so, the “Gopher Dip” was born. That same contractor erected the structure over the pool and finished the inside.
    I remember the opening ceremonies where a special guest made a speech and asked “Now that you got it, what are you going to do with it?”
    Twenty years ago, or so, I drove back to Alsask during early summer and the pool was still in operation. When I walked in the building and saw youngsters attending swimming classes, I became emotional. I was so proud to see “my” project still in operation after all these years.
    On another matter, I wonder if anyone remembers the existence of the “Ski Hill” located in an area once called the “Springs”. This was another project I got involved with but sadly I never got to use it due to an unforeseen transfer . But that’s another story.

    Thanks for reading. Drop me a line if this story bring you back in time.

  2. Rosemary Stevens says:

    RCAF Base Alsask, Sask. was being built in 1962.The school opened on Dec.3rd/62. I was with the first group of teachers, I taught Grs 1& 2. I was Rosemary Taylor at the time, My family were from Fairmount/Pinkham/Kindersley. Sask.I stayed in the women’s barracks. The building housed 6 wings with a central corridor. we were in the last wing on the right side of the building, the other 5 wings were for the Military staff.There were also PMQ’s(primarily married quarters). I spent a yr in one of these also, with another teacher, the 3rd yr there I married an enlisted LAC called George Stevens(Steve) & we lived on my parents farm where there were 3 houses.I ate my meals in the Officers side & was a member of the Officers mess.I look back on my years there with fond memories.

  3. Darcy Wallin says:

    my father a civilian….moved my family, mom and 5 boys, to Alsask from Moose Jaw in 1966 and took a position of civilian personel officer.He was a large part in the Gopher Dip Pool project….community certainly worked together to get the pool built.we lived in PMQ#2…we are still in contact with our crescent neighbours……have to say the 4 years that we were there were the best years of my life.

    • We’re back! Thanks for sharing these cool memories. In chatting around and in comments here, you can tell there was a big sense of community at the base. So many fond accounts have been shared here. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Connie Biggart says:

    It was an incredible tour.

  5. Andy Bear says:

    When I was posted to CFB Cold Lake in the 80’s I had a buddy who used to traipse down to Alsask every fall for duck hunting. Apparently, it was quite the event, and he always came home ready to fill the freezer. I passed thru there briefly a number of years ago and am saddened at the state of the infrastructure there. A lot of money is spent in keeping bases “alive” and then they’re just evacuated and left to the elements. Too bad they couldn’t be reused for alternative purposes, like housing the homeless maybe. But that’s another topic altogether.

    • They seasonally rent out the few PMQs left to hunters. We also heard it’s a good area for ducks. A fair number of buildings in the Alsask base are used and even lived in, so most have been repurposed.

  6. Bev Pichette says:

    Thanks for a really interesting post! Should say “another” interesting post.

  7. Christopher says:

    Two steam kettles, a double steam cabinet, a great looking oven, and who knows what else is out of frame?! I don’t know much about the military, but I know a lot about commercial kitchens. I couldn’t begin to imagine abandoning that kind of equipment and just walking away – it looks like it’s all in great shape.

  8. Al Roberts says:

    I was stationed in Alsask as a young corporal from 1967-70. For my initial year I lived in single quarters and then married. Because there was not a PMQ available, we moved into a house on a farm in Sibbald, AB, immediately over the border. We always found it amusing when time change came. Saskatchewan, of course, did not change time, so we left work at Alsask at 4PM, and arrived home at 3PM in AB. I have only fond memories of that posting, from the outrageous 50 cents green fees on the stubble field we called our golf course, where I learned the game, to the “volunteer” labour required to construct the Gopher Dip indoor swimming pool.

    While somewhat isolated, the station did not lack in terms of activities for all interests; the golf course, the swimming pool, library, a newspaper, movie nights at the Jr Ranks Club, and a Winter carnival that drew all together as a community.

    Such memories are not soon forgotten. Thank you for your work on this site.

  9. Braden Cowles says:

    I’m really enjoying reading the comments also

  10. Braden Cowles says:

    This is neat! I just filled a propane tank here and realized I would love to tour this place. So when would We be able to get a tour? lol

  11. Connie Biggart says:

    We should play a round next time we’re there.

  12. Jo Tennant says:

    how neat is that!

  13. John William Kinnear says:

    wow, went to the blog on this story and boy did it really blow up. What a wonderful way to reconnect people. You guys rock……

  14. Barry Davies says:

    Great article. I really enjoyed the comments.

  15. Roger May says:

    I used to be a pin setter here when i was a kid ,used to sit above the pins and took many off of my arms lol until the base put in automatic setters i made 2 dollars a game.

  16. Jean-Marc Figeat says:

    (Bowling alley) Reminds me of a set for Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Very cool.

  17. Peter O'Donnell says:

    Bowled on these lanes a number of times, back in 1964 65.

  18. Paul Noerenberg says:


  19. Alfred Bruckner says:

    Wow. Interesting find. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Corinna Gagnon says:

    I was what was affectionately referred to as a military brat. I grew up moving from base to base every six to twenty-four months for the majority of my childhood. My step-dad (Jack Merrill)was a Master Corporal attached to the fire department, which in the military is an entity unto itself as we weren’t segregated to specific types of base postings. As a result I lived on navel bases, air force based, and armory. When we were posted to Alsask in 1983, it was different. We didn’t move again in time that was counted in terms of months before the movers arrived. We were there long enough to make lasting friends, some of which I still have today. I think for that reason alone, Alsask left me with warm memories and a lasting impression. I learned to swim in that pool and I learned to ride a bike along Veteran rd. I attended school on the base and played in the playground. I bowled in the bowling alley and practiced archery down the hall with the kids archery league several times a year. A year after we moved to the base, we bought a mobile home in the town itself and soon became a part of the community. In the winter, out yard was the skating rink and a garden maze in the summer where we played hide and seek for hours after the sun set. When we were notified that they were closing the base, we were devastated because that would only mean one thing. We had to move again. We moved to Dundurn exactly one week before the final closing date. Dundurn was last military posting my step-dad took before retiring as fire chief. The mobile home we bought in Alsask, moved to Dundurn with us, where it still sits. As for the property itself in Alsask, the family still owns it. For sentimental reasons, none of us ever wanted to part with it. A few years ago, a friend of mine in Alsask sent me a couple framed pictures of the town. One was and aerial view of the town showing the empty lot where our house used to sit at the top of the hill on 2nd street. the other was of the grain elevator before it was torn down. Both framed pictures are hanging on the wall in my front hall, where they will remain.

    • What awesome memories, the one’s that’ll last with you forever. Thanks for sharing them. If you’d like an 8×10 print from this post to hang next to the other Alsask pics you have, let us know which one and what your address is (in private). It’d be our pleasure to do this for you.

    • Tams says:

      Is there any sign of the original pharmacy in the town of Alsask? My great grandfather was the pharmacist and just starting to look into some family history. Thank you 🙂

  21. Murray Allan says:

    I’m from SE Saskatchewan , spent 28 years in the Regular Army, never saw Alsask (or any of those other small Air Forces) during that time. I didn’t realize how big they were – all the ammenities! Neat! Thasnks for the photos.

  22. Witchdoc59 says:

    I was about 5 when my father was posted to Alsask. We stayed for 6 years when I my father retired in 1970. I dropped in on the base about 7 years ago and met George who gave me a tour of his collections.

  23. Sandy says:

    September 8,2018
    We are heading back from Calgary and saw this place. It was so intriguing it made us want to drive in and check it out. Was it a convent, residential school or Bible school? None.
    We googled it and came across your article. People from this area would know the history but being from Prince Albert and not affiliated with the military we didn’t.Thanks for putting this out there.

    • You are most welcome. I bet a lot of people seeing the base wonder about it. It’s something from so long ago now and has not been well documented. Thanks for commenting!

  24. Vicky (Dickson) Younie says:

    I lived here from 1964 to 1969. I went to high school in Merengo. We spent many hours at the snack bar and bowling alley. We had a teen bowling league and set our own pins. It is sad to see how the buildings have deteriorated. Is there anyone else out there that was there during that time?

  25. Mike Cue says:

    Regardless of my other comments, I do miss some of my time posted to CFS Alsask (from 1983-1985). I was a brand new MP, who had just left being a Rifleman at 3 PPCLI, & coming to the lax approach of a Radar Stn was amusing to me. My dress & deportment was of such a high standard (coming from the Army), that (at times… I later learned), that some Air Force personnel were told to use me as an example on how to maintain their uniforms (one person was my Sgt). Needless to say, he wasn’t happy. Regardless, I wish I was more mature when I was posted there, as I missed out on several ‘things’, which (I wish to this day), I could have followed up on. However, Radar Stns (in my view) were great places if you had a young family, or you were close to retirement, but they were ‘hell on earth’ for single males (especially if you were a cop). In my 2 1/2 yrs there I did realize a few good friends (like Don). But to give you an idea about how ‘insular/vindicative’ Radar Stns could be… on the day I left, not one person said good-bye to me. So Radar Stns could also be a nightmare to Soldiers, because if you got on the wrong side of peoples (like me giving out vehicle infraction tickets), you could be shunned, which due to the small size of the Stn (about 120 peoples), you had no where to turn. Thus you suffered. All-in-all, I ‘did’ somewhat enjoy my time at CFS Alsask, & to anyone who knew me, I medically retired (after 34 1/2 yrs) as a Senior Captain, after I had earned 2 Bachelor Degrees. P.S., if anyone knew what happened to “Jessica”, I would sure like to know how life treated her. Cheers.

    • Hmmm, that’s an eye-opening side of the base not spoken of before by anyone else. Being the law anywhere, I suspect, makes for a lonely life at times. Thanks so much for posting.

  26. Bill McCabe says:

    Ps…I really think that carpet on your AFB series in the pool room is great stuff! …Pinups to Pulpit is a good title too. Keep exploring folks.

    • The pinups/pulpit stuff just came to us. We will keep hitting the road. And thanks for taking the time to visit our site!

      • Herb Strandberg says:

        Herb Strandberg
        I was stationed to C F S Alsask from 1972 to 1975
        as store manager.I was also Mayor on the station in 1974.My family enjoyed their stay in Alsask, my wife Jean nursed at the hospital in Owen Alberta and my two young boys went to the school on the station.The day my family left the station in July 1975 was the day they collapsed one of the radar domes and we took that as an omen of things to come.

        • Such amazing memories Herb. So many connected to the base have contacted us about this article, and everyone it seems speaks of it in a positive way. It sounds like you were all one big happy family. It must have been sad leaving.

          • Gordon Doyle says:

            Good Day,

            I was a social worker officer in the CF who would come to CFS Alsask from CFB Calgary on a 2-3 week basis (around 1983 -1987) to interview persons selected to go on overseas or isolated postings. I would also provide clinical social work counselling sessions to individuals and couples who were experiencing personal challenges and circumstances. From there I’d travel to CFS Dana and then onto CFB Moose Jaw to perform the same duties and responsibilities. It was the best time of my professional life.

          • Wow, we’re hearing from so many people who lived and worked there. We’re blown away! And everyone speaks fondly of the good times and great people. Cool connection you have.

          • Barry D Lee says:

            I was one of the 1st airman to be stationed at Alsask early 1963 to late 1965. I believe the correct name for the base was RCAF Stn Alsask back then. I was a radar tech for all three radars, plus SIF and IFF, and PPI’s. I also worked at LLOYDS ESSO service at the corner of HWY 7 and 41 to supplement my income. Many good memories of Alsask.

          • What a different world it was back then. Wow, thanks for sharing this! Seems everyone has fond memories of the base. Thanks!

  27. BenandAdele Pradella says:

    Very interesting story too …

  28. Jens Gaethje says:

    Wow. That would be a great movie set!! Do you know if one can visit and take photos?With models and setup?

  29. Mike Frenette says:

    How crazy this church looks exactly like the church at the base in Edmonton I should say used to be.

  30. Amber Misner says:

    I found this article and the one about the dome so interesting I read both to my husband. When he drove by on the way to a job site he took and sent me a photo of the dome. Keep the articles coming!

  31. Peter O'Donnell says:

    Spent 2 years there (1964 – 1966 ) just loved looking at the photos. Brings back a lot of memories. Still have a few pics of what the base looked like back then.

  32. Catherine Brown says:

    Lived in Alaska (ed: <-- auto correct didn't like Alsask? Haha!) from 76-78. My dad worked in the fire department. I went to school on base for the first year then off to Merango for the other two. We were sent to Merango on a big green bus fondly named by the local kids as the pigeon coup because us base brats were called pigeons as we flew from base to base. It was a great town. Worked at the bowling alley as a pin setter dodging bowling pins as we only had a small ledge to sit on while we waited for the men's team to try and pick us off. We got higher pay for working those nights. The teen centre was set up for us to hang out in. Not sure if I remember that carpet though. Every Friday night the church was set up to play a movie for .25 each. It used to be packed. Good memories. Thanks

    • Pigeon coop? Oh that’s priceless! Heard from another who was a pin setter at the alley – that’s so cool! Thanks for sharing all this. Comments from our readers have added so much to this story.

  33. leahd50 says:

    My family lived here for 3 years ~ many wonderful memories of the base and the people ~

  34. Graham says:

    I lived there as a milbrat from 1976-78. We used to live in the last PMQ, #126. I have several memories from there.
    Used to be a pinsetter in the bowling alley and you took your life in your hands when you were doing it for the men’s league. Pins flew everywhere!!!
    Attended the school on the station for the first year I was there but in Grade 9, I had the choice of attending school in either Marengo or Oyen. I opted for Oyen as my parents felt that the Albertan education system was better than Saskatchewan’s. I was 1 of 6 that did and they laid on different vehicles to get us there. One day we got to school and were informed it was closed due to a teacher’s strike, the 6 of us had all the amenities to ourselves.
    One thing you did not mention or just simply didn’t know, was that there was a grass airstrip to the northwest of the golf course.
    Another you don’t mention is that there was a swimming/fishing place about 5 miles away. Some of us boys used to hike there, swim for the day and hike home. We also took our .22 rifles and pockets of ammunition and shot gophers on the way there and back.
    I’ve stopped at the station a few times as I drive past just to remember.

    • Oh, this is so cool! A pinsetter? What a crazy job. Was not aware of the airstrip. And ditto for the swimming hole. There’s a lot we don’t know! We spoke with a lot of locals and read as much on the history of the base that time permitted, but neither subject came up. Thanks for adding to the story!

  35. Larry Mercer says:

    I was in Alsask from 1978-81.
    Transport Section.
    Now live in Ottawa since 1981.
    Retiring December 29 2017.
    With 45 years service DND Military and Civilian.

    • So nice to hear from you. What a great adventure that must have been. We’re heard from a huge number of people connected to Alsask, which we so love. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your service. Have a great day.

  36. MJ MARTIN says:

    1965 / 1966 / 1967. THE SWIMING POOL WAS BUILT AFTER I DEPARTED IN 1967.

    • Thanks so much for adding to the story! What a cool experience that would have been. I’ve seen photos of some of the other bases and yes, they seemed all similar. That bunker legend won’t die. We’ve seen no proof, yet the subject keeps coming up by readers. I think we need to bring in ground radar!

  37. Pierre Parent says:

    Alsask holds fond memories for me because it was there that I met my wife in 1968. She was one of the few single teachers recently hired and she managed to snag me before I got transferred to Beausejour ( Now Milner Ridge). We were married on the 12th of July 1969, at 4 pm. in the Lutheran Church in downtown Beausejour and by hook and by crook, we’ve been together ever since. Just think, 48 years… I must have been a good catch.
    What memories …

    • Awesome, here’s to a happy 49th! Keep those memories coming!

    • Mike Cue says:

      My name is Mike Cue, & I was a Military Police Cpl posted there from 1983-1985.The comment about single female teacher reminded me of how all the single women posted to CFS Alsask were immediately set upon (by what I called) “the wolf pack”. There was such a very lg difference between single men vs single women, that any single woman posted there immediately had ‘many’ suitors for their hand. As an MP, I had a unique viewpoint of what went on, on the Stn, & the ‘problems’ of guys fighting for these women’s favours kept me very busy. But enough of my war stories. For anyone who remembers me, I am still trying to get into contact with a lady named “Jessica”, to see how life treated her, & as a side note I medically retired in 2013 (as a Senior Captain, w/ PTSD… saw way too much death in my career).

  38. Deborah Salter says:

    I really enjoyed the read, noting my family (the Harvie family) lived here from 1966 – 1970 in one of the “double wide” trailers (PMQs – once assigned PMQ#68). At the time, we were a military family of 6, my dad serving as a Master Corporal, Radio Technician. Those were the good ‘ole days. The swimming pool, the Gopher Dip, was named by my oldest brother Kevin. Just prior to its grand opening, the station announced a “name that pool contest”, and each of us kids submitted entries, winning our family a free one year “swimming pool pass”. The last time I toured the station, long after the seniors’ community blew away in the prairie wind, I wondered into the recreation centre (about 2002) and noticed bowling trophies in a display cabinet baring the name of my mom, Shirley Harvie. My father, Eugene Harvie (Sergeant, Retired) has since passed away (2010) from Multiple Systems Atrophy (thought by some to have perhaps been caused by working at the Alsask radar site given there appears to be a high number of former military who worked in radar sites who have since passed from this horrible neurological disease); alas, we’ll never know for certain. Regardless, we had some awesome times in Alsask…Hallowe’en was a blast…our family peaked at 6 children by 1974 (4 boys, 2 girls) and 5/6 of us joined the Canadian Forces (Regular); the baby of the family served with the Naval Reserves but didn’t have the hootspa to put his country first. Feel free to respond / ask questions via my email address (I am now a proud resident of Victoria, BC).

    • Wow! Comments like this just blow us away. So happy you added to the story. Often wondered if the domes emitted any nasty EM stuff. Yikes! Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to us!

    • Pierre Parent says:

      The GOPHER DIP holds fond memories for me… Why, you may ask ..?? Well, I was the first person to dive in that pool, shortly after it was filled. I remember walking around for two weeks with a swimsuit under my uniform to accomplish this memorable task.
      For all those who were around there at the time (1967-1968), the single guys in the barracks who worked for Reg Campbell in Oyen pouring cement, were instrumental in pouring the footings for the building and I assisted the outside contractor in doing the finishing work on the pool before we painted it. Once finished, the machinery was fired up and I had to dive down to the bottom to close off one of the valves. I also remember the celebrations of the official opening when a representative of the Canadian Red Cross in attendance ended his speech with “Now that you have it, what are you going to do with it?” I was back in Alsask not too many years ago and the sight of kids in the pool enjoying swimming lessons brought tears to my eyes.

      • Where have you been with this story all these years? It’s magical, thanks so much for sharing!

      • Darcy Wallin says:

        My Father, Merv Wallin, was very much a part of the pool project

      • Pierre Parent, Gimli, Manitoba says:

        I think your software has a glitch of sorts, I submitted my story today (Friday 28th of May 2021) and not 3 years ago. Also, my records show that the pool opened June 21, 1968. Since you’re the editor, I guess you can edit whatever you want.

    • Darcy Wallin says:

      Debbie Harvie?…….Darcy Wallin here…..PMQ#2

  39. Bill Simmons says:

    Hi all former Cfs Alsaskians
    Stationed there from summer 1976 to summer 1979. Of interest to me is the welcome to tumbleweed park sign which my wife Darlene and I made in the spring of 1978. If anyone looks on the reverse you will find “my” monogram routered into the back of the sign.The original sign has been modified by someone unknown to me. Also was the station mayor for a term as well as printed the station news paper for three years. Regards from Darlene and Bill Simmons.

    • So happy to hear from you Darlene and Bill! It’s nice to connect with those who know the base intimately and we and our readers love the memories that are shared. Thanks for adding to the story!

  40. Arnold Simmons says:

    My dad made the original sign with the gopher on it. Bill Simmons

  41. Chris James says:

    Fun to look at these old pics..i lived here in the late sixties and my first job was as a pinsetter in that massive bowling arena

  42. Brian Lowe says:

    nice view of a place I haven’t been to in years-made a lot of friends and dated some girls as I went to Marengo school with all the base kids-living on a farm I was always amazed at all the facilities base kids had right at their doorsteps-recognize the “mess” as in later years had a few parties in there on a Sunday when the bars(at that time ) were all closed on a Sunday-sad to see it go-was the death knell for a small Sask. town-Brian Lowe-Hoosier,Sask

    • Brian, so glad this post brought back memories. Yes, when the base closed, Alsask took a big hit, one it never recovered from. I visited Hoosier last year, very briefly. So want to return! Lots of cool stuff up that way.

  43. Theresa says:

    It is nice to see our uncles pics of the base . The base is a great place i love going there and going threw his rooms . Our uncle George did a great job with the place .

  44. Don Lloyd says:

    What a beautiful step back in time. I was stationed there from 73-76 so recognize all the pictures. I even have cups and mugs from the various functions I attended over the years. I was in charge of the Stn. Traffic Section where summers were real busy. It was a great place to raise our two young kids.. We were sorry to leave there, the people and the Stn. was GREAT !…Cheers..Don

    • Don, so nice to hear from you. Glad the photos stirred up some good memories! We hear from people all the time who were once stationed at the base, and all seem to remember it rather fondly.

  45. Lois Toye says:

    Just happened upon this. My Mom worked at the mess hall. We went to School at J.A. Silver our first 2 years.
    All the town kids and base kids were friends. Spent many many hours at the snack bar, going to shows, hanging out at the gym etc. Attended church services at the chapel on occasion.
    The carpet in the dining room caught my eye and can remember the kitchen well and the walk-in coolers loaded with prepared food trays and produce always seemed amazing to a kid.
    We had several occasions to go to the
    medic. Got stitches there once.
    Can remember the teenagers setting pins at the bowling alley.
    All these photos bring back a lot of wonderful memories for me, other than the nudey pictures, which I never saw.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • So nice of you to add to the story. What an adventure it must have been. I doubt many knew about those pinup photos. We’ve heard from others well connected to the base saying the exact same thing.

  46. Brian Holt says:

    I remember as a young air cadet in 1967 attending camp Penhold. We were taken on a tour of a base similar to Alsask and it was just as well equiped with two lane bowling alley, pool, PMQ’s, mess halls, barracks, etc. I spent a good part of my life in the part time army after that and as one reader said in a previous blog things have changed in our armed forces. The cut backs are unbelievable…one base closure after another. A death of a thousand cuts. You can see it in everything around us whether it be the armed forces, health system, highway works, etc. Anyway…so much for my belly aching..thanks for the memories.

  47. John Desrosiers says:

    I enjoyed reading your article as it brought many good memories of Alsask. I was privileged to serve there and closed the place in 1987. Alsask was unique and well loved by most of the military personnel who served there. The name of the establishment was Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alsask, not Detachment. The school served elementary grades only. Secondary school students attended the school nearby in Marengo. The church was all denominational, a Civilian Officiating Clergyman came from Alsask and the catholic one came from Kindersley. I knew that the married quarters were no longer existent but did not know that the other buildings were still standing and in use. Thanks for bringing back good memories; it may spur me to come for a visit and see some old friends.

    • So nice to hear from you. I bet you have many incredible stories to tell. I noticed the post used a working copy of the article which I’ve since updated to the correct one that lists it as CFS Alsask. We had mentioned the church being inter or multi-denominational, which is the same as all-denominational. Thanks for clarifying where high school classes were held. Glad you liked the write up and the photos!

  48. Cody Kapcsos says:

    Neat! A lot similar to our alley in Stirling.

  49. Sheldon Hogan says:

    Bowled there this summer. Love Alsask!

  50. Great write-up as usual! I love how you’ve captured the essence of this base stuck in a particular time period. Having lived near my fair share of bases in my youth, this really reminds me of my youth.

    • Folks in the military? I would have loved to have seen one of these bases in operation!

      • Mike Cue says:

        I was posted at CFS Alsask from 1983-1985 (as a brand new MP), & it was an extremely boring & useless posting for me. No mentoring, no family, & semi-isolated (though we did not get any extra monies for being semi-isolated). I do miss one person (Jessica) from my time there, & wish she might see this posting.

        • It is well off the beaten path and I could see this affecting some people. Posting at a remote base in a small town is not for everyone. Here’s hoping your friend gets wind of this. This post has been seen by a lot of people connected to the place, so you never know.

  51. Lawrence Phillip Potapoff says:

    You and Connie do awesome work Chris & I’m never disappointed coming here.

  52. Vicky Johnston says:

    The carpet would make me dizzy!

  53. Krista Forbes Embertson says:

    Awesome I always love these posts!

  54. Lila Cugini says:

    (via Facebook)
    LOVE the carpet!!!

  55. Jim A Pearson says:

    They had a bowling alley! COOOL!!!

  56. Terry J. Graham says:

    Amazing that these bases still remain after all these years.

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