Brush Hill Reformed

Seen here, a lonely county church, Brush Hill Reformed, standing vigil on a remote Alberta crossroads. It’s a century old and not unexpectedly, is showing its age. No one comes here anymore, there are no services. It’s been a while since that happened. The place is boarded up, unused, it’s weathered and empty. Look in the dictionary under forgotten and this church will be pictured. Ditto for the word “sad”.

Still there is the occasional visitor here, now and then, passers-by barrelling down the dusty road to who knows where, that on seeing it get curious. They might slow for a double take, maybe even stop. Some no doubt break out the phone for snap shot. Can’t blame them for being taken in I suppose.

Brush Hill Reformed, a little prairie church, no longer in use, on a remote back road. Researched, written and photographed by Chris Doering and Connie Biggart (BIGDoer/Synd)

Then there’s those strange types, camera always within easy reach, who roam the byways in search of abandoned places worthy of being documented (all of them in our books). That’s us. Abandon it and they’ll come. A photogenic place like this is hard to resist. Can’t pass a county church. That’s a subject that always needs to be explored. World coming to an end…sorry we’re not ready, we’re busy shooting a church.

Scroll down for photos and to comment.

Most settlers came to the immediate area in the early 1910s. A number came here from Germany. It’s those who built Brush Hill Reformed, completing it in 1916. It’s of simple construction, not so much plain, but uncomplicated, humble and anything but pretentious. It shares features common to country churches, rectangular form with a prominent bell tower, moderately pitched shingled roof and walls that hold arched windows. It’s aligned perfectly in an east/west direction. The building creaks in the wind but seems solid. Warmed by early morning sun, mist rises from it.

The church remained in use until the late 1980s or thereabout – records aren’t completely clear – when declining membership forced its closure. Rural areas are loosing people fast so this it’s hardly a surprise. Old timers die off and the young ones flee to the city.

Since then the church has been boarded up. The interior is completely empty. We suspect the bell has been removed. An historic marker was erected on the site after closing – “Cairn erected July 1995 in memory of the Pioneers who built the Brush Hill Reformed Church in 1916 on this site.”

Down the road a bit is the Brush Hill Cemetery, which unlike the church, is still used and is well kept.
It’s a pleasant little place to spend eternity, a small plot of land, bordered by trees and fields, in an area of rolling plains. There’s some interments going back to the early days, where as others are more recent. Many of those here share common family names. We see that a lot in small cemeteries like this where local are often closely related.

A small replica of the Bush Hill Church has been built on this site.

The term reformed is defined as “bringing about a change” or “changing one for the better”. Reformed churches were breakaway groups in a sense, leaving an earlier denomination due to disputes or dissatisfaction with directions or ideologies, or any number of other reasons, to form their own. They’d didn’t like what was going on, so split away.

These types of churches are common in Germany and of course where ever German settlers plopped down roots (interestingly most settlers in the area were Ukrainian, Brush Hill being the exception). If someone from a German Reformed church has something to add, we’d love to hear from you. I think we could define better with help from an expert.

Brush Hill was never a town to speak of and more a central point in an otherwise broad farming area.

Hosting Team BIGDoer this adventure was noted film photographer Robert Pohl. This is his part of the world and he took us on whirl-wind tour of some of his favourite haunts. Seen were many old farm houses, churches of various denominations, some open, some closed along with a shuttered historic village (all visited with permission). Some stunning stuff up that way. Stay tuned for more reports from this trip! Want host us like Rob? You know what to do.

More houses of worship…
St Paul’s Anglican.
Spaca Moskalyk Church.
Calgary then and now – St Matthew Lutheran Church.
Little Church on the Prairie.

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date: November, 2016.
Location: Minburn County, AB.
Article references (and thanks): Historical Society of Vegreville, Robert Pohl,
If you visit, please show show the church respect.

Brush Hill Church

Brush Hill Reformed Church.

Brush Hill Reformed Church

The building dates from 1916…

Brush Hill Church AB

…And closed about a quarter century ago.

Brush Hill Church Alberta

Hanging with friends.

Brush Hill Reformed Alberta

At some lonely Alberta crossroads.

Brush Hill Alberta

Mist rises from the roof.

Alberta Brush Hill Church

Connie’s always got the creative angles.

Alberta Brush Hill Reformed Church

Looking back from the cemetery.

Brush Hill Cemetery

A small replica of Brush Hill Reformed is on site.

Brush Hill Church Cemetery

The cemetery, unlike the church, is still in use.

16 responses

  1. Gloria says:

    I am delighted to see this church photographed so beautifully! The Brush Hill Church had a sister church located south of Vegreville which still stands today, and is still occasionally used. It is called Salem reformed Church…now know as Salem United Church. When I was growing up I remember that the pastors that served Salem also served Brush Hill. I never had the privilege of actually visiting Brush Hill but I will do that this coming summer!

    • (Sorry for the delay in approving – we’re just recovering from a huge comment’s system crash.)

      We’re so please you liked the piece and please drop by often! Thanks for sharing your memories too.

  2. Glen says:

    This is pretty cool as last weekend, and before reading this, I “discovered” that old church. I could hardly believe that it was so close to a major highway but seemed fairly untouched by people who might do it hard. It was fun to photograph especially since I thought I finally found an old structure before Chris and Connie! Oh well, I’ll keep exploring and one of these days I really will find something like this before you.

    • We do get around. Still, we’ve only just scratched the surface and there’s a million places awaiting discovery by us. Our places to visit map on Google has close to a thousand entries and is growing. Brush Hill is one photogenic church. Thanks for commenting Glen.

  3. Jan H says:

    There are no words to describe this. I’m in awe.

  4. Stuart Chambers says:

    I’d like to go take pictures of this church.

  5. Lorna Dye says:

    Beautifully captured from this view point! A favorite Church of mine.

  6. Tracy says:

    Another one of your amazing stories!! So love what you two do.

  7. Brenda Puckett says:

    (via Facebook)
    So pretty hate to see an abandoned church!

  8. Jason Sailer says:


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Chris & Connie thank you!