Lethbridge Boler
No matter where we are, no matter the weather, no matter anything, we take a hour or two out for a stroll. Putting foot to pavement is good for the mind, good for the soul, good for the body and in doing it, the day’s problem’s just seem to melt away. It’s inevitable we’ll see a Boler Trailer on these outings. In fact, it’s almost a guarantee. People often put them in storage on their property and since we cover a lot of ground, well, there’s a good chance we’ll cross paths with one.
They might be plopped down behind a business, in someone’s front yard, parked in an alley, or perhaps taking up space (very little, since they’re so small) on a driveway. Like the one seen here. This example was found in an older neighbourhood just south of Downtown Lethbridge, in November 2015. It’s a pretty typical thirteen footer (nice curtains!). It has a metal nameplate, which tells us an earlier generation model however.
We shot this trademark BIGDoer.com then and now on this walk…
Lethbridge then and now – Berte, George’s, William’s Grocery.
Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on our road trips adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.
Reference: Bolerama.org (now offline).
If you need more information, by all means contact us!
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