Teenie-Weenie Ventura
There were countless manufacturers of small fibreglass trailers in the 1970s and 1980s, the golden age for these types of campers. Of course we all know about Bolers, one of the most common of the era, and Trilliums, which are still made today. But there were a huge number of lesser makes. Case in point the one seen here, a teenie-weenie little beast called a Ventura.
They were offered in two sizes. The “long” Ventura was thirteen feet, and the one seen here is an example of that, the short one being a minuscule ten. They were built in Manitoba from approximately 1972-1977 and were never terribly common from what we’ve seen.
This one was found in some back alley in shallow northeast Calgary in January 2016. It was a random find, as most are, seen out out of the corner of one’s eye as we drove nearby. We always stop and take a photograph. This trailer’s owner was standing nearby and heard us cackling about this great find as we clicked away, having a good laugh at our expense. Looking at us like we’re crazy…why the excitement? He had no knowledge it was uncommon.
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Calgary then and now – Civil Defence.
Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on our road trips adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.
Reference: Bolerama.org (now offline).
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