Museum Tour: Viking Alberta

Nothing beats a good small town museum. Team BIGDoer is huge fan and think you should be too. They’re hidden gems, wonderful places to learn about local history, the people who came before, those tough and resilent folks from times past, on display at these venues the things connecting them to you. At every turn it’s something new and interesting. A dream for the budget minded, it’s a cheap way to spend a fine afternoon.

The museum in this here post is found in Viking Alberta. The town, southeast of Edmonton by some hundred and twenty clicks, was founded just over a century ago by settlers coming in from Scandinavia. Today the place is home to about a thousand people…and a bit of change, oil and gas related industries providing employment for most. Love hockey? Then it’s mecca for you. Heard of the Sutters? All, what, seven dozen of them or so (exaggeration alert)…the Viking area is where they came from. They’re a dynasty.

The museum sits at the far north side of town smack dab at the end of 50th, the main street there. Lots of signs so can’t miss it. Heck, email us if unsure. It’s a good size place, the main building looking very institutional. And that’s for good reason, it was the town’s hospital, a two story structure built on this very site in the early 1920s. Expanded upon a bit later it remaining in use as such until the latter half of 1960s when the museum moved in. While there are other buildings here at the Viking Museum this one contains most of the displays. This is a good place to start the tour.

Admission is by donation and there’s always someone helpful on hand to answer questions. We know you have some, so ask away. The place is open most days in the summer – perhaps call ahead if unsure (contact info below) – and will open on request at other times of the year. On certain days, weekends in particular, expect it to be busy. We shared the grounds with several groups.

Here’s the contact info. Address: 5108- 61 Avenue, Viking, AB, T0B 4N0. Call: (780) 336-3066. They have a Facebook Group: Viking Historical Society- Viking Museum. Now you know!

Scroll down for more of the story…

    Mt Carmel Catholic Church

    Mt Carmel Catholic Church, one of several historic buildings on site.

    Beatty Bros Washing Machine

    A 1920s era Beatty Bros Washing Machine.

    Viking Museum Archives

    The newspaper archives room.

    AE Tombstone Phone

    He shoots, he scores! And in back, an “AE50 Tombstone” phone.

    Viking Museum Collage

    With every turn something new and interesting to see.

    Sports Trophy

    The little details that demand a closer look.

    Old Curling Stones

    Curling, once a hugely popular prairie pastime.

    Viking Museum Collection

    So much to see, so little time.

    Old Bikes Viking Museum

    The sports gear room.

    Auction Sale Poster

    Auction Sale!

    Once inside the main building come to a long hallway flanked on either side by rooms, each one done up in a specific theme. There’s one showcasing medical equipment, another done as recovery room, both reflecting the building’s original heritage. In other places there’s hints that this was a hospital, things like tiles and light fixtures, for example, that cleary remind us of what was once here.

    Hospital? Wait, then it crosses your mind…is the place haunted? It’s often said these places are. Seed planted.

    One room’s done up like a vintage office, a roll top desk, typewriter and adding machine at the ready. Another holds sports and recreation equipment. Those curling rocks…back in the day that game was huge on the prairies…everyone played it…every town had a rink. While still enjoyed by throngs of enthusiastic players, it’s not as popular as it once was.

    There’s a barber shop. Just a little of the top please. And a shave. Whoa, a straight razor…on second thought.

    A room holds random electronic type devices, another old camera gear and office equipment. There’s so much at times it seems they’re running out of room. Look closely, ’cause you’ll miss something. Take the time.

    There’s a newspaper archive. See what was happening in Viking on the day of your birth. We did it. Of course…everyone does. Price of wheat seems stable. Good to know. Scan the ads and see what things cost back then. Reminisce about long forgotten businesses. I could do this all day.

    Continue below…

    At The Viking AB Museum

    What ever catches our eye – the Dion Quintuplets were in their day a sensation.

    Boy Scout Trophy

    Through the looking glass…

    Old Kodak Camera

    Eastman Kodak Co., once a juggernaut in the industry.

    Old Boots Viking Musuem

    Well worn…

    Vintage Calendars

    What were you doing in Jan/Feb 1967?

    Mount Carmel Church Viking

    This structure dates from the 1930s.

    Old Building Viking Museum

    There’s always times for tea.

    Old Store Viking Museum

    The circa 1903 store and post office.

    1903 Store Viking Museum

    These rural stores sold everything imaginable.

    Viking Museum Church

    Peering around a corner in the church.

    Viking Museum Farm House

    The century old farm house is a tour highlight.

    Many more rooms here on the main floor, lots to keep one busy and entertained. Come see for yourself. But wait, there’s additional stuff upstairs. The displays are endless and always interesting. Rather than rambling on, as we’re apt to do, check out the photos to see just a sampling of what’s here. Then make plans to visit. We missed showing you a lot!

    There’s a row of interesting buildings on the museum grounds all open for viewing with tons of things on display. The circa 1938 Mount Carmel Catholic Church is good starting point. I didn’t burst into flames on entering, which is a good thing.

    Next door is an early 1900s store/post office that used to stand at some remote crossroads outside of town. It’s very rustic, having been made from logs. Like all “general stores” or “general mercantiles”of the era, they sold a little bit of everything. Food, farm supplies, this and that. And of course there’s a small post office in back. Most rural stores also acted in this capacity.

    A one room school is next, this one from the the first decade of the twentieth century. Used to be thousands of these scattered across rural Alberta (no exaggerating warning here, it’s fact), the students coming in from nearby farms. Now they’re bused to central locations. Like all the buildings, it’s well stocked with interesting displays. Again, take the time to look close…there’s so much it’d be easy to miss some small detail. Those hidden treasures are the special ones – the Lornedale Orchestra…you know they rocked the joint! There’s their drum! Try to find it on your visit.

    A circa 1910s farm house, brought in from a rural area, is next. It’s well appointed with furniture and such of the era. A vintage phone…you know we have to take a pic. Got a thing for them. And you thought we only obsessed about Bolers. Check out the simple kitchen, the cramped bedrooms (like most farm families they probably raised huge number of kids here), the simplicity of it all. How the heck did they function without electricity, plumbing, internet, all the modern things we take for granted. As we often say, people back then where hardcore.

    This house is done up with a Gambrel roof, so barn style. It’s aligned ninety degrees to the front entrance, which strikes us as a bit odd.

    There’s more below the next batch of pics…

    Viking Museum School

    There used to be thousands of these one room schools.

    Lornedale Orchestra Viking AB

    The Lornedale Orchestra rocking it in the 1950s and in back, their drum.

    Old Wall Phone

    See a phone, take a photo – got a thing for them.

    Viking Museum Old Buildings

    A storm threatens…but it doesn’t stop us.

    International Farmall

    This International Farmall is one of many tractors on display.

    Northwest Utilities

    Northwest Utilities flaming-haired mascot.

    Viking Museum Old Hospital

    The main display building was once the town’s hospital.

    Cockshutt Tractor

    Cockshutt, Allis-Chalmers, Case, IHC “McCormick” Farmall.

    Farm House & School

    In front: the Farm House & School at the Viking Museum.

    Chris Doering Yellow Jacket

    With my trademark yellow jacket.

    Viking AB Museum

    The museum grounds.

    Farm equipment area! Of course, this what they do around here. Love these old machines. What guy doesn’t? Tractors are a highlight and there’s a good collection of 1940s/1950s era beasties, coming from many major manufacturers. Remark at how small and simple they were when compared to the huge behemoths of today. Of course back then you farmed a quarter section…now it’s several sections…sometimes many more. The scale of things keeps growing. And no AC, no stereo, no GPS to guide. And if rained you got wet…if the sun burned down, you cooked alive…if it was windy you ate dust. Just another day at the farm back then.

    Lots more machinery to see and other outdoor displays. There’s no way we can capture it all, no way we ever could. Instead, come see what we mean.

    Visit the displays in an orderly fashion, or as we did randomly. We often play the giddy little kid, jumping from here to there and back, experiencing it all, soaking it up, in a chaotic manner. Choose your path.

    Sadly, the word-tour has to come to an end. But there’s more pics to see…just scroll down. We just scratched the surface here and know a second or third visit would be in order to capture it all. If we ever could. It’s a good sized museum for such a small town and they’ve done a fine job. It’s clear, there’s passion at work here. Easy to see. Throw in an extra ten when donating. Help keep the lights on. They’ll appreciate it.

    A big shout out to Mike Lawes of the Viking Museum and Viking Historical Society (wait till you see his car collection)…and others from his group. The best hosts ever. And more thanks to Sylvia Hoffman who planted the seed. This visit was a blast! We burned through like four or five hours here. If you’ve got a museum you think we should see, you know what to do. We’ll come visit your place and give it the BIGDoer treatment. It’s what we do.

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    If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

    Date: June, 2017.
    Location: Viking, AB.

    Viking Museum Founded 1966

    Entertaining and informing for fifty plus years.

    Display Viking Alberta Museum

    A vintage office setting.

    Diseases of the Skin

    “Diseases of the Skin”…some light reading.

    Viking Museum Saddle

    The tack room.

    Barber Shop Viking Museum

    Just a trim today, a little off the top.

    Displays Viking Alberta Museum

    The light casts a soft glow…

    Old Cameras Viking Museum

    A “vintage camera” filter in Lightroom seems fitting here.

    Canada's Centennial

    In celebration of Canada’s 100th on the eve of it’s 150th (we visited June 2017).

    Viking Museum Medical Room

    Of course there’s a room dedicated to medical equipment.

    Boy Scout Memorabilia

    Memories of being in the Boy Scouts.

    Barber Shop Viking Alberta

    The interesting subjects never end, but our tour, sadly, has to…

    18 responses

    1. Dorothy Hafso says:

      So nice you made it to our little museum , my husband and I lived in the Hafso house till 1991, then had it moved to the museum . My son was the last Hafso to be brought home to that beautiful place. My heart is still remains with that house, it was my first home for my family, but the last time it would be a home .

    2. Eric Nordstrom says:

      I remember going to this museum while visiting my relatives on my father’s side of the family. If I remember right some of the items in the museum were donated by the Nordstrom family. I have only once stayed at the old original farm house but sadly everything comes to an end and the old house is now gone. I rarely get out to see my relatives in Viking but it would be nice to see them in the future.

    3. Connie Biggart says:

      Great day exploring this museum with my best friend. We have the funnest job ever!

    4. Sylvia Safranka Hoffman says:

      Thanks for the visit Chris and Connie! Hope you can visit again some day!

    5. Danny Jones says:

      Luv that drum kit!

    6. Eileen Lawes says:

      This was a wonderful write up of our own museum. Thank you for your interest in small town museums !!!

      • You are, of course, most welcome. We love exploring these places and wish more of them would invite us. If you’re a museum, and want an article like this written on your venue, call us. We do it no charge.

    7. Jenn says:

      Love it! We always look for museums when out exploring. I think in the last 2 years my son and I have have seen more small town museums than in my whole 30+ years!!

      • We love them too, but sometimes have to pass them by. Always too much to do and not enough us to do them. Hate that!! Make sure you keep visiting these places! They appreciate it.

    8. Deb P Trout says:

      They have a great museum.

    9. I love these small town museums! Chock full of interesting items… lovingly cared for.

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    Chris & Connie thank you!