Canadian National Railways #1392

Stop the presses folks…we’ve reached a milestone here. This post, which you’ll soon be enjoying, is the 1000th here at Yes, our society has produced that many pieces and in only five years to boot! Not 1000 simple photo essays, but rather painstakingly researched history write ups, in-depth articles covering all manner of things old and abandoned, descriptive hike reports, our crazy obsessive Boler “problem” documented, all, we hope, nicely photographed and each accompanied by a darn good story. Been busy!

Raise a glass in toast, sit back, feet up, and read on. We guarantee the next story is going to be damn interesting. It’s worthy of being number one thousand.

The object of our attention is a locomotive. A steam locomotive. This is Canadian National Railways #1392, at the Alberta Railway Museum Edmonton. We’ll chronicle this century old engine, and it’s in operating condition by the way, as it’s prepared for a journey. We’ll watch as it get loaded onto a truck hauled trailer…I know, the irony…to be later sent on its way. Lots of curve balls in this game…a quagmire of mud and an engine set on “going off the rails”. Quite the experience! See it through our eyes…

Canadian National Railways #1392: a steam locomotive on the move! Photographed, researched and written by Chris Doering and Connie Biggart with support of the Society. (BIGDoer/Synd/

The Venue: The Alberta Railway Museum, just northeast of town. They have an amazing collection of train equipment, from all eras and coming in from a number of different railways. Lots of stuff jammed into a relatively small space – something like seventy plus rail cars, freight and passenger, and locomotives, both steam and diesel. Like trains? Welcome to one heck of a playground.

Scroll down for photos and to comment.

Staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers, they do some amazing things here, doubly impressive given the tight budget they’re forced to work with. Museums are always underfunded it seems. Please help them out how ever you can.

Old CPR Boxcar

Fitting…on our hotel room wall.

The museum’s been on this site since the 1970s. It sits alongside an operating rail line, Canadian National Railways Edmonton to Fort MacMurray branch, which sees a couple trains per day. And lucky us, one showed during our visit. This track is their connection to the outside world, should something need to be delivered or taken away by rail – a lot of stuff comes and goes by truck though. I know! Interestingly, the museum sits alongside what was a spur line leading to a large military air base not far away.

Alberta Railway Museum

At the Alberta Railway Museum – our first view.

We’ll only touch on the museum’s collection in this post. There’s waaaaaaay too much here and it’d be easy to get distracted. We’ll do a follow up article on the things we saw and documented during lulls in the action, which will be published later. And we’ll include a link here when that’s been done.

The Locomotive: Number #1392 was built in 1913 by the firm Montreal Locomotive Works, for the first half of the twentieth century the country’s largest such builder. They were in business from the early 1900s to the mid-1980s, making steamers until the late 1940s and diesels thereafter.


This article was underwritten in part by Inter-Rail Transport Edmonton

Interail Transport Logo


This locomotive was built for Canadian Northern Railways (CNoR) and was one of some fifty some plus of the same design built in the years 1912-1913 by the Montreal firm. It’s classified (Whyte notation) as a 4-6-0, meaning four leading wheels, to help guide it through curves and such, six driven wheels, and none trailing. The arrangement was often called a “Ten-Wheeler”. Best described as a general purpose locomotive, it was one of hundreds on the roster and could be seen pulling local freights, mixed trains, work trains or on lesser passenger runs. They were tolerant of lightly built track.

In the early 1920s the Canadian Northern, along with some competing lines, joined together becoming Canadian National Railways. This locomotive, the others like it, all the CNoR owned, were folded into this new company. It carried the number #1392 the whole time though, regardless of whose name appeared on its sides.

The CNR classed #1392 as an H-6-G. H=company use denoting wheel arrangement and in some cases driver size (which in RR circles is important), 6=a subclass denoting a group of locomotives all having similar specifications, and G=a subclass again, denoting different batches built similar but produced at different times or by different builders. I hope this makes sense. Please, say yes.

The class number is displayed on the locomotive cab below the road number. Below is another number in percentage. It was used by the CNR to list the haulage rating of any particular engine. Without dissecting it too much, this means #1392 is good for hauling a couple/three dozen cars from the era, give or take, depending on grades and curves and such. But that’s perfectly fine given the smaller jobs it would be assigned. It was for yeoman service and nothing else. No glamour, no mighty accomplishments, just day after day toiling away on branchlines and back tracks with little recognition. They were the do-all worker bee of locomotives, if you will.

Steamer #1392 burns oil, heavy gooey stuff looking like some pot of Joe that’s been stewing away for hours and hours…truck stop coffee! It’s probable it burned coal in the early years – oil came into use later in the steam era. The oil and the water for the boiler was carried in a tender and together the pair, fully loaded, weigh in at some 130+ tonnes, is some 19m long and some 4m (and change) tall. As steam locomotives go it has modest proportions and capabilities and was simple in design.

Canadian National Railways #1392

Our subject, Canadian National Railways #1392. Nice kitty.

This locomotive seems to have spent most of it’s career on the prairies. In the mid-1950s it was retired – diesels were on the scene you know – but instead of being scrapped was put in display in Edmonton at the exhibition grounds. Around 1970, the museum acquired it and brought it back up to operating condition. It runs on the short museum track some weekends.

Over the years, #1392 has appeared in many films and TV productions, the highly regarded Days of Heaven being a favourite of this author. Lots more too. The engine was on put on display during Expo ’86 in Vancouver…and I saw it there back then. We’re like old friends. Sniff, sniff.

The Job: Number #1392 is scheduled to join up with a couple other steamers, one working (Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions #41), one on static display, in celebration of Canada’s 150th, in Stettler Alberta. It’ll be put to work by the Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions who operate well patronized tourist trains between there and Big Valley. The group masterminding it all, behind the scenes, Rails to Tales 2017. They moved mountains to make this happen.

Number #1392 has to get there though. I guess it could travel by flat car (quit laughing) but no one has that many weeks to burn – yes, train service is that bad today. It’s only a couple hundred clicks between the two points but they might as well be on opposite ends of the universe. Damn it, call a truck. The whole thing can be done in a day or two.

The engine is pulled from the locomotive shed. Providing the “muscle” is Number #4 – ex-Evraz Pipe, nee Stelco Pipe, nee CNR, always with the same number. This little industrial sized engine was built in 1956 by General Electric – yup, the same company that made your fridge. They’re the biggest locomotive firm today.

The trip to the loading area is short, but it takes some time. One switch is causing problems during the back-up move, the locomotive’s driving wheels insisting on riding up on the rails, and potentially coming off the rails, instead of following them. Caught in time, pull forward, disaster averted, and try again. Wheels are greased, the rails are too, the track tweaked and adjusted a little…with help from a backhoe and with care, attention and doing it oh so slowly, it makes it through. Success!

But the trip’s just started.

In behind the shop is the loading area, a large gravel pad. Normally that is, but today, after a night of heavy rain, it’s a mess, all soft and squishy. Not planned, not expected, but work has to continue. Water is pumped from low lying areas and in some places gravel is dumped to help stabilize things.

Everyone seemed little concerned with the mud. Looked bad to me, but then I don’t know a thing.

A huge goose neck trailer, equipped with rails, is spotted, a specialized ramp connecting it to the spur line. Number #1392 is inched closer. From here on in, a winch used to drag it up and on the trailer. It goes without a hitch, this part of the move taking some ten to fifteen minutes. The locomotive is chained down – don’t want it shifting during transport – and is ready to hit the road. Hmmm, what a sight that’d be, watching it roll down the highway. Anyway…

Next move in this game of chess, the truck backs up and connects. Wow, this trailer/truck combo all together is some kinda huge! On the spur, the tender is spotted in anticipation of the next loading go round. It won’t happen till the next day however. Blame the mud for slowing things down. It wasn’t so bad…these gaps in the action allowed us to explore the property between things happening. And you know how we love to wander.

Steam Locomotive Backhead

A peek inside the cab.

Given the soft conditions, large blocks and mats are placed near wheels to help distribute the weight. It works, the rig slowly inching forward in the mud, some back and forth moves, to better align the trailer, a second truck via a tow cable sometimes providing assistance. Looks chaotic, looks nuts, how the hell are they going to get it done, but it’s all handled professionally and without so much as breaking a sweat. These guys were not intimidated. Not in the least. Slowing but surely the load makes it way onto more solid ground in the parking lot.

CTV News Edmonton

CTV News Edmonton is here to watch the action.

Clearances are incredibly tight, some passenger cars to avoid on one side, the hump of a grade crossing to go up and over, signs close in, miscellaneous this and that close to being in the way. Lots of obstacles and the whole rig is giant! It’s like threading a needle. Sometimes the locomotive is within a hair’s width of something big – see our pics. Other times it leans at extreme angles. Yet it goes off without a hitch. It’s taken a while, but by end of day everything is on dry ground.

We need new subjects – it’s a Call Out!

Tomorrow, with the tender loaded, the convoy with head to Stettler for final delivery. Things go real smooth on that end I’m told – no mud there – easy as pie. Wished we could have recorded the full trip, but time constraints you know. Damn. But we saw it off!

The Firm: The guys doing the job, Inter-Rail Transport, are heavy equipment haulers. They’re staffed by burly fellows seemingly unaffected by anything thrown their way no matter how challenging; stuff that most certainly would have sent lesser companies and lesser crews running to the hills crying. No, the attitude is, in your best Larry the Cable Guy voice, just get’r done…like it was an everyday thing. Watching them do what they did was pure magic. And if it at times it looks as though they’re in over their heads, it was just that in appearance only. They didn’t flinch, not for one minute. That much mud and it’s a go. Ballsy!

If Inter-Rail is listening…just sayin’…the society would love to record more moves.


Team BIGDoer wasn’t the only media on hand to record this event. Lots of cameras on the scene this day, local TV stations, railfan press, official photographers of the event (Leo de Groot, in the visibility vest in some pics, one heck of a nice guy and looking at his work a talented fellow), most filming videos. Seems I was sort of alone in snapping pics. The event got good coverage and deservedly so. Hopefully our write up means something, even if it’s post-event after everyone’s gone home.


His stare, those demonic yellow eyes piercing the soul…he’s evil. This is the locomotive shop cat. You don’t mess with the locomotive shop cat. His name? No one knows, no one dare ask, but Mr Boss Man works…I guess. Beware rodents, birds, other cats, dogs, people, anyone who enter his domain. It’s his and he decides when you come, when you depart and even if you live. And stare-downs…don’t even bother, he’s world champion. We gave him a wide berth.


Lots of metal in this post, big machinery, old engines, rails cars by the train load, gargantuan trucks, but in reality it’s all about the human experience. The boy, standing there mesmerized, watching the guys who get the job done. The big machines that fascinate, but in reality, the people behind the scenes who make it all happen are the true heros. I’m a kid, this is my daydream, happy as I watch it unfold…just for me. The stuff behind the story is the story. Young Mr BIGDoer has gone home happy.

More locomotives…
Class of ’63…the last one.
Aspen Crossing’s new locomotive gets delivered…another being moved.
Locomotives of the Great Sandhills Railway…a prairie railway.
The Little Yellow Locomotive…such a sad little thing.

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date: June, 2017.
Location: Edmonton, AB.
Article references and thanks: Alberta Railway Museum and all the helpful staff and volunteers there, Inter-Rail Transport and their amazing crew, The Rails to Tales Group, Alberta Prairie Railway Tours Stettler, Canadian Trackside Guides.
The Alberta Railway Museum is open to the public.

CTV News Crew Edmonton

An interview in progress.

Alberta Railway Museum Cat

The shop cat is evil.

Northern Alberta Railways GMD1

Breaks in the action gave us a chance to “wander” – more in a future post.

Inter-Rail Transport

Inter-Rail Transport is on the scene.

Moving a Steam Locomotive

A small diesel comes to collect the steamer.

Steam Locomotive #1392

Go to the light…

Alberta Railway Museum Volunteer

A wide smile from a volunteer.

Steam Locomotive Wheels

Trouble at the switch – wheels are greased…

Grease Railway Track

…And so are the rails.

Steam Locomotive Move

Keeping a close eye on things during the backup move.

Steam Locomotive Switch

The switch continues to cause problems.

Push a Steam Locomotive

The wheels want to ride up on the rails – left side.

Fixing Railway Track

A backhoe “adjusts” the track.

Working Steam Locomotive


Alberta Railway Museum Details

The little details…

CNR #1392 Steam Locomotive

Success! Now off to the loading area.

Alberta Railway Museum Edmonton

The locomotive in front displays some fresh paint.

Inter-Rail Transport

The ramp is placed.

Loading a Locomotive

Rain has made a mess of a loading area – but there’s a job to be done.

CNR 44 Ton #4

This little locomotive once belonged to Canadian National Railways.

GE 44 Ton Locomotive

A winched cable will take over from here.

At the Alberta Railway Museum

It’ll take several trucks to get the job done.

CNR #1392 Being Moved

Slowing it’s pulled aboard.

CNR Coranado Subdivision

Two trains a day and one is nice enough to show for us.

Steam Locomotive on a Trailer

In place!

Inter-Rail Transport Crew

Crew photo time! But the work’s far from done.

Gooseneck Trailer

The gooseneck is placed.

Steam Locomotive Trailer

The tender is readied for the next loading go-round.

Camper and Steam Locomotive

View from the back 40.

Steam Locomotive #1392 Details

Lots of tie downs…

Heavy Transport Trailer

The rest of the trailer is connected up – it’s huge!

Mud Heavy Hauling

That sinking feeling.

Locomotive on a Trailer

The trailer will have to be swung around to make the corner.

Heavy Hauling Locomotive

Are they in over their heads?

Winch Truck Pull

The next move is pondered.

Train Brake Shoe

And old brake shoe stirred up.

Locomotive Hauled by Truck

The locomotive takes on a lean – no worries. Power lines are ugly!

Watching a Locomotive Move

The view from the vestibule…Leo de Groot in front.

Locomotive on a Trailer

With a hair’s width to spare.

Inter-Rail Transport Crew

A burly fellow calling the shots…

Steam Loco Move

We could almost touch it.

Moving a Steam Loco

It was that close!

Steam Engine Move

More playing in the mud.

Edmonton Inter-Rail Transport

Dry ground is not far away.

Steam Engine on a Trailer


CNR Steam Engine #1392

Inching along.

Inter-Rail Transport Edmonton

Home free! The trip will continue tomorrow.

Inter-Rail Transport Truck

That’s one fine heavy hauler…

CNR F3 #9000

A look at CNR #9000 before we go…

46 responses

  1. Michelle Pickle says:

    Good job guys! This is an awesome place deserving of a great article. We love it there.

  2. Andy Davies says:

    Good job….again!

  3. Todd Burridge says:

    One of my favourite places to railfan!

  4. Great work as always Chris & Connie!

    • Thanks Jason, we so love presenting these articles to you and our other readers. Be sure to drop by often – why am I saying that. You do already I bet.

  5. Johenne van der Veen says:

    God, this is wonderful!

  6. Allan Langsford says:

    Wow what photographs!!!

  7. DireWolf says:

    I was up in the cab of 41 because I have a volunteer teacher from my HS auto mec who is a fireman for it…

  8. Lynne Colborne says:

    Congrats on your milestone event…. love reading your adventures.

  9. Richard Graydon says:

    Great article Chris.

  10. Jeff Wallace says:

    Outstanding write up!

  11. Inter-Rail Transport Ltd says:

    A wonderful write up with some extraordinary photos! Very well done, and thank you for the mention.

  12. Guy De Bock says:

    There is no one out there more capable then you guys when it comes to capturing the action. Amazing images. Like I was there with you!

  13. Doug Turcotte says:

    She’s a beauty, 1392. One fine old steamer.

  14. Svyatoslav Vykrest says:

    Perfect pictures,thank you.

  15. Mike Collins says:

    Interesting post and back story, Chris. Great photos!

  16. Mike Thomas says:

    No words. Excellent!

  17. Jenn says:

    Yaaay 1000! Great post…I would like to see that coming down the highway!!

    • Thank you Jenn! We hope there will be a lot more articles to come. I know, on the highway, that’d be so cool! We were supposed to follow it to Stettler, but then that mud got in the way…

  18. Matthew Jonnes says:

    My RR Museum looks great!

  19. Coinoath Sarsfield says:

    Might possibly be your best article!

  20. James B says:

    Nice shots!!!

  21. Good work – well done and well documented.

  22. Eric May says:

    Congratulations on post number 1,000! And it’s about trains too.
    I always enjoy your informative well documented articles. Looking forward to the next 1,000.

    • Thank you so very much! Admittedly, we have some self doubt these days, and even amidst some of the best work we’ve ever done, we ponder our future. We love what we do, so bloody much, and we know others do, like you, but it seems sometimes like we’re preaching to an empty church. Sorry, got this bug in my ear.

      • Eric May says:

        I think present day attention spans are pretty short. I think people look then move on to the next distraction. I try to keep my online presence to a minimum, but I do really enjoy your posts for enlightening me on cool things in areas I’m not likely to get to.

        I’m looking forward to your article on the Alberta Railway Museum. We were supposed to get there in a trip in 1979. The bus driver first had a flat which made us late and then got lost on the way there getting stuck while trying to turn around. Keep the articles coming.

        • Yeah, so true. I wonder how many people read the posts and not just look at the pictures. Then again, I probably don’t want to know. The Museum piece should be in posted sometime in the next month or two. I’ll post a link when it’s done.

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Chris & Connie thank you!