Forgotten Prairie: Hoosier Saskatchewan

On a frigid weekend, April 2017, Chris ‘n’ Connie roll into east-central Saskatchewan accompanied by friends. We’re here filming a documentary “Forgotten Prairie”, a production highlighting this crazy obsession we have with all things abandoned and old. This day’s stop is the tiny little (almost) ghost town of Hoosier Saskatchewan. Our rag-tag group descends on this “lost” burg, doubling or tripling the population for a time, to take in what it has to offer, in particular the old school and church.

Hoosier dates back to the early 1910s. What’s in a name? Seems a lot of local settlers came in from Indiana, the “Hoosier” State. Now you know. We looked up the meaning behind the word – why does Hoosier means someone from there – seems no one we spoke with had a clue. They’re called Hoosiers, because they’ve always been called Hoosiers is generally the response we got. Anyway…

Forgotten Prairie: Hoosier Saskatchewan – one stop in a ghost town tour. Researched, Written and Photographed by Chris Doering and Connie Biggart. (BIGDoer/Synd/Cache)

The town was founded concurrent with the railway arriving. This line ran west from Biggar Saskatchewan, through Hoosier, before heading into Alberta. It was built by the Grand Trunk Pacific, a firm seemingly always on a slippery footing financially, that later got folded into Canadian National Railways in around 1920. The line lasted till the early 1980s before it was abandoned. It was never more than a sleepy grain gathering branch with at best sporadic service.

Scroll down for photos and to comment.

The town boomed for a time, briefly, as was always the case when the tracks arrived. They got up to a few dozen people we’re told with lots more on farms in the area. Then it settled into a long slow decline, a fate that befell most small prairie towns. Today, it’s home to a few people, a Co-op store and card lock, and a small post office/restaurant.

Our first subject, the Hoosier School. An imposing brick structure with several class rooms, it was built in 1930 and replaced an earlier school that burned down. It’s good sized – used to be a lots of kids in the area, especially on nearby farms. The school remained in use into the 1966. In later years, only lower grades were taught here.

It’s not said if it was abandoned right away or used for other functions. We did find a fair number of 1970s era papers scattered about inside – make of it what you will. Interestingly, one page in an open book, staring us right in the face, has the headline “Easter 1977”. So what? Well, we visited on Easter Sunday 2017, forty years later. What a crazy coincidence. There’s one small room on the upper floor. Principal’s office maybe? As is the case with most abandoned buildings, it’s been vandalized.

Hoosier Saskatchewan School

Taking in Hoosier Saskatchewan.

The roof is collapsing in a couple places. Still, the building seems solid overall. The classroom level is mostly empty. In the basement, old desks are piled several deep. A snow-squall moves in and take refuge down there, the wind and cold outside near insufferable. We find every excuse we can to keep shooting in the bowels of the school till it passes.

We attempt a BBQ on the front steps – a good twenty minutes to cook a weenie. A local comes by suggesting the restaurant might open up for us if we ask nicely. But we tough it out. Easter Sunday hot-dogs. Somehow it seems fitting.

Behind the school, an empty house demands attention. Looks like it was lived in up until the 1990s or thereabouts. Out back, a Sekine “ten speed”. When you author was in school back in the ’70s, this was the “cool” brand to own – most of us were burdened with crappy CCM or Canadian Tire “Super Cycles” instead. A bright orange Case Tractor (1950s era) is the only colour on an otherwise dreary day. A cat comes up to say hi.

The sky breaks. The snow vanishes. Wintry hell mere moments ago, it’s now…well…almost nice. And even a bit warm. Don’t like the weather in Hoosier? Wait a minute.

Next we visit the Hoosier United Church which dates from 1916. Regular services were held here until 1966, although it functioned as a community centre of sort for a time after (till the 1990s). Today, it’s silent, although with everything in place, it looks like a service could be held at any time. A photo dated 1955 shows it with a pretty good sized congregation.

The building is suffering from a collapsing foundation. Somehow we missed photographing it – or maybe didn’t want to photograph it. This just might be terminal if not acted upon soon. Hoosier United is historically recognized – not that it means much. Recognized is one thing, the money to fix problems is another. BTW, the building, and school visited earlier, are not completely abandoned and belong to someone. We visited with permission…if that means anything.

And much like the school, the church has been made a mess by trouble makers. Seems particularly disrespectful here.

The United Church is one of the larger denominations in Canada. It dates from 1925 and came about as a amalgamation of several protestant groups, including the Association of Local Union Churches here on the prairies.

Some local pooches drop by to say hi as we shoot and photobomb almost every frame. Late in the day, we rush Connie to the nearest Greyhound depot (well, a gas station on the highway many clicks away). She’s got to rush home for work while we stay behind for one more day of shooting.

Joining us this trip were good friends Rob Pohl and Byron Robb. Regular readers will recognize these guys – we’ve hung with them many times. Rob’s that weird fellow that shoots old style view cameras. He brought out the “big guns” for this trip, an 8×10” monster, this microwave oven sized thing that weights a ton or two (perhaps a bit of an over-exaggeration). Normally he uses a 4×5”, still a good sized camera, but ones that’s more manageable and portable. Relatively speaking of course.

Hoosier SK School

…On a cold April morn.

And Byron – look for the bright orange jacket – another friend with a camera who we shoot with when we can. We insist the people we hang with be fun and interesting and this here fellow is no exception. He joined us when we did the Beechwood Estates and Seven Houses …and holding articles.

And what of this film we’ve been speaking of? Stay tuned people, it’ll be premier soon here at In the meantime it can be watched on YouTube and Telus Optic TV under the title “Forgotten Prairie”. A production of Rueben Tschetter’s Cache Productions, it’s a simple film. The premise – as a group let’s explore some towns that time seemingly has passed by and speak with locals connected to these places. Pretty straightforward really. But damn powerful. More on this in the coming weeks.

Over a four day weekend, we visited four towns (and one metal yard) while shooting Forgotten Prairie. Beside Hoosier, we toured Esther Alberta, just over the border, along with Loverna and Fusilier Saskatchewan, all with the participation of those who own them.

Also from Forgotten Prairie…
Forgotten Prairie: Fusilier.
Forgotten Prairie: Esther Alberta.
Forgotten Prairie: Loverna.
Old Jack’s.

We’ve been to Hoosier before…
A few minutes in Hoosier.

More stuff you’ll like…
Queenstown Garage.
Shandro Village.
Turner Valley gave us gas.

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date: April, 2017.
Location: Hoosier, SK.
Article references (and thanks): Book – Prairie Sod to Golden Acres – History of Hoosier District,, United Church of Canada, Rueben Tschetter, Byron Robb, Rob Pohl.
If you visit Hoosier, please show the school and church respect. Take nothing but photos.

School Hoosier Saskatchewan

A little light reading.

Easter Sunday 1977

Forty years to the day – our visit, Easter Sunday 2017.

Hoosier SK Church

Another target this blustery day, the Hoosier Church.

School Hoosier SK

Old desks in the basement.

Old School Saskatchewan

Random finds, metal lunch pail, toilet seat, Xmas tree base and curling rock.

Abandoned School SK

More jumbled desks.

Filming Forgotten Prairie

Taking refuge from the chilly conditions.

Sekine Bike

If you has a Sekine “ten speed” in the 1970s, you were one cool dude..

Hoosier SK Cat

The Hoosier kitty.

Old House Hoosier SK

An empty house in town.

Vintage Case Tractor

The only colour on an otherwise gray day – a vintage Case Tractor.

Hoosier School Ladies Room

Back to spelling class with you.

Old Frozen Beer

A cold one!

Rueben Tschetter Film Maker

Filmmaker Rueben Tschetter shooting “Forgotten Prairie”.

Abandoned Hoosier SK

Back window view.

Film View Camera

Rob Pohl’s huge view camera.

Rob Pohl Photographer

The business end of things.

Hoosier Ghost Town School

The building dates from 1930…

Hoosier SK Ghost Town School

…And replaced an earlier one that burned down.

Hoosier Saskatchewan Ghost Town School

It was last used for classes in the mid-1960s.

Old Car Hoosier SK

Random derelict car.

Old Photo Hoosier SK

This old photo pinned to the wall.

Abandoned House Hoosier SK

The day improves…

Chris Team BIGDoer

Exploring the United Church.

Hoosier Saskatchewan Church

The building is a century old.

Old Church Hoosier

It’s been empty and unused for a couple decades now.

Old Church Hoosier SK

In the soft light.

Old Church Hoosier Saskatchewan

I preach salvation to no one and no one is saved.

Volunteer Choir Magazine

A copy of Volunteer Choir Magazine, May 1929.

United Church Hoosier

Cobwebs and dust and everything forgotten.

United Church Hoosier SK

Just stuff scattered about.

United Church Hoosier Saskatchewan

Some old chair.

Hoosier SK United Church

Let’s learn about Noah’s Ark.

Hoosier Saskatchewan United Church

A quiet moment during a break in filming.

Old United Church Hoosier

It’s a fine old building that may not last longer.

Filming Forgotten Prairie

A couple local pooches drop by as filming continues.


Connie, homeward bound a day early on a rattle-trap bus – her view.

32 responses

  1. HAROLD DUNGAN says:

    My Mother’s parents homesteaded on the prairie near Hoosier and lived in a sod house. Mom had 3 older sisters and they would tell me of catching gophers and selling their tails for small change in Hoosier. When winter came they turned the livestock loose, packed the family in the wagon, and moved into Hoosier to “hunker down” for the winter to survive the bitter wind and cold temps. When my Mom was born, her Dad died shortly after, so Grandma Sale (Carl’s wife), wrote back to Indiana to some friends asking if any one was recently widowed and would be interested in coming up to get she and her four girls. One kindred spirit replied, and Grandma Imogene (Sale) became a Pownell and lived near Warren Indiana the rest of her life. Mom and her sisters had to take classes and become citizens of the US upon returning to Indiana. Mom was born in 1922, so she didn’t get to see the school, but was probably too young to know of the church’s existence. That’s my story and I’m wondering if David McKinstry has ever heard of the Sale brothers who homesteaded in Hoosier and came from Indiana. I would love to hear more from him if so as we are contemplating a visit to Hoosier this summer when we visit Glacier National Park, MT.

    • Wow, what an amazing story. So tough and resilient those old pioneers. I’ll reach out to David, he’s a friend, and see what he knows. Thanks for adding to the story!

  2. Debra says:

    Your photos are very evocative. My family homesteaded in the Hoosier area and I grew up and went to school in that school. Bad kids would get the strap up on the second floor, in the Principal’s office. The house behind was the Teacherage. I played that old pump organ in the church for Sunday School when I was a young girl, and my mother taught Sunday School up in the belfry.

    • Thank you! And for adding to the story, we are grateful. If I had gone to school there, I would have known the principal’s office well! So that’s the story behind the house. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Nellie says:

    does this pull on my heart strings!!! This is where I was raised (1 mile south of Hoosier)A lot of the days we walked to school. Bread bags on our feet inside our boots to keep us nice and dry. I went to school here finishing grade 5 and being bussed to Marengo for the rest of my school years. This probably was the best times of my life. I remember the day JFK was shot. We listened to the broadcast on an old radio that sat on a peach colored stand. The basement was divided in 2, girls on one side and boys on the other. This is where our bathrooms were. That little room upstairs housed many books and Jars of snakes!!! I was terrified to go up there. Grades 1,2,3 we had Miss Pearl and Miss Palin. Grade 4 we had the principal Mrs Barron and she had purple hair. After the school was closed they converted it to a community center for all functions. In 1974 I got married at The United Church in Hoosier and the celebration was at the old school. August of 1992 we had my Moms funeral at the church and the next day 3 members of our family got baptized.

    • Wow! Blow away. What an amazing connection to the place. Those memories! I can just picture it. Thanks for adding a human angle to the story.

  4. Ang. says:

    This is my home town. 🙂 My Dad went to school here and when I was a kid the school was used as a hall where we did Christmas concerts and such. I remember looking south out the big window one Christmas eve and swearing I seen Santa and his sleigh up in the sky. I was baptized United in the Church and have faint memories of Sunday school upstairs. The pictures you have taken are beautiful. Thank you for this.

  5. Craig Fawcett says:

    Excellent little documentary!

  6. Glen Bowe says:

    It’s not often that I find something worth watching on TELUS TV that is free. This is an exception.

  7. Jenny Riley says:


  8. Tim Swaren says:

    Looks very much like the old brick school that used to be in Forestburg.

  9. John Barry Graham says:

    I have been there. Just can’t believe no one has fixed this gem up.

  10. Tynan Groves says:

    My Amma’s town of Elfros Sk had a school that looked almost identical, she lived right across the street from it… There is a deep longing for her that this picture stirs in me.

  11. Bill Chapman says:

    Was a reporter in that area and took some photos of the school and the church…amazing…

  12. Sandra Beaudoin says:

    Reminds me of the 1928 Hanna Primary School demolished by PLRD this Spring 2017.

  13. RJ MacReady says:

    This place looks really fascinating! Almost like something you’d expect to find in Chernobyl, the way it’s still got some physical leftovers as though normal life there stopped instantaneously.

    Living in Southern Alberta, looking for some memorable abandoned sites for a little indie film I’m working on is what lead me to this website. Loving reading these and seeing all these cool spots.

    • Yes, there’s a real post-apocalypse vibe about the school. Exactly what I thought too. Would love to know about your film – do message us. And thanks for commenting!

  14. David McKinstry says:

    A great video. Exploring the history of this area. Glad to have shown Chris Doering and Connie around this summer on their way through.

  15. Jennifer Nash says:

    Was this a residential school?

  16. Looks like you guys had a good trip to Hoosier. It would of been nice to get inside the church when we visited in July 2016! Still has some life yet it appears.

    • The 2016 mini-GTT was a hoot! The visit in April was a cool trip – in two ways – it was darn cold and oh so interesting. The church has a buckling foundation, which is worrisome. Otherwise, it seems solid.

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Chris & Connie thank you!