In the Pipeline…

Coming soon to! Here’s some new stuff we’ve been working on, a sampling of what’s in the pipeline, places documented over the last number of months that will be posted here soon enough. We’re itching to show you! Included are abandoned things, old farms and ranches, some of them the most remote we’ve ever visited, train subjects, of course, old cars and trucks, small town tours, and all manner of interesting content. There’s a bit of this, a bit of that, something for everyone we hope.

Once a piece is published, we’ll post a link to the article below the respective summary. Stay tuned to this page, or our main page where the new stuff shows up regularly – we usually publish new posts a couple time per week, depending on the workload here (which is always crazy hectic – we’re busy as beavers behind the scenes). So once again, for your enjoyment and pleasure, coming attractions…

Viking Alberta Train Station

Stepping out in Viking Alberta.

In twilight, we simply wander about Viking Alberta taking pics. No rhyme or reason, just what ever catches our eye. It’s a small town tour, and these place are full of personality. In the photo, the former train station, now converted to a tea house. It looks fantastic in the failing light.

Published December 21st, 2017…Exploring Viking.


Dinosaur Model

Jurassic Gas.

On a ghost town/abandoned stuff tour of southeastern Alberta, with gaggle of good friends. It’s not about the photography but the fun and socializing. Still, some good pictures are captured. A scene from Jurassic Park? No, just a big Dino at a closed gas station at some crossroad.

Scenes from the “Ghost Town Convention”, posted March 05th, 2018…GTC 2017.


Abandoned Farm Alberta

Big and stately.

On that same trip, this here stately farm house. Oh, what a place it must have been in it’s day. Last lived in a long time ago, it’s got a quiet dignity and looks particularly stunning amidst fields of yellow. Words fail us…wow, just wow!

More from the tour, an article born on March 05th, 2018…GTC 2017.


Railway Speeder Ride

Two days on the rails.

In July, we spend two full days with a fabulous group of friends riding speeder cars across Saskatchewan. We cover hundreds of kilometres, at a relaxed pace and saw some amazing things. It’s a whole new perspective seeing the world this way. In the photo, taken in Climax Saskatchewan, the group, lead by the railway’s escort truck (it’s an active line), prepares to head out for the day. Of all things we’ve done, and we’ve seen and experienced our share of the incredible, this one sticks out in our minds as the most memorable. It will be hard to top this.

April 17th, 2018, here’s the first installment in what was a most enjoyable trip…Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part One. And on April 27th 2018, we published the second…Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part Two.


Shaunavon Saskatchewan

Taking in Shaunavon Saskatchewan.

An evening in Shaunavon Saskatchewan. The day’s speeder trip over, we unwind by walking the town. There’s no plans, no expectations, we just stroll about. And it turns out there’s some cool stuff to see. The camera acts up, almost ruining things. But we recover what we can even if it’s not in the format we want (shot Raw got JPGs).

On May 02nd, 2018, it went live…Wandering Shaunavon.


Old Farm in Alberta

Look in the dictionary under remote…

Perhaps one of the most out-of-the-way and lonely abandoned farms we’ve ever visited. And we’ve seen our share. It’s just grazing land extending off to the horizon in every direction, a few cows, and this place. Wow! It’s amazing. And it comes with a history!

Published February 18th, 2018…80 Years Empty.


Abandoned Ranch Alberta

Cacti, snakes and insufferable heat.

The last place was the most remote. This one was the hottest. Thirty plus degrees this day, insufferable conditions and a warning to watch for rattlers. Ha, we laugh at challenging conditions. A rustic ranch from long, long ago, almost perfectly preserved in the dry conditions. It was a huge challenge to get to, but man was it worth it. An amazing place! And again, it’s got a cool back story.

Take a tour, the piece published March 28th, 2018…Green Door Ranch.


1950s Peterbilt

Peterbilt central on the Alberta plains.

A fine 1950s era Peterbilt. Got a thing for old trucks! And there’s other here too! And the conditions are magic, a gorgeous Alberta sunset and later stars and auroras to entertain and wow us. Damn, we’re lucky. Old trucks, the bigger, the better, are a crazy passion. And this collection does not disappoint.

Here’s the piece, with some amazing photos, published April 04th, 2018…Kelts’ Collection.


Old Church Alberta

At St Norbert’s, a decision to be made.

Sell your soul at the crossroad, or be met with salvation? Here’s the big question on Connie’s mind. St Norbert’s near the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. We’ve been wanting to use that guitar as a prop for years and it worked well. Now what’s she doing wearing a Forgotten BC Bunnyhug? This is the prairies!

Published, this day, March 15th, 2018…St Norbert’s.


Stone Barn Alberta

Stone buildings, an obsession.

If it’s made of stone, we’re interested. Got a thing for these buildings (we got a thing for everything). Consider it an obsession. Seen here, a former barn, a good sized one at that, found in a remote corner of Alberta, it and a stone dugout all that’s left of this farm.

May 16th, 2018, it’s gone live…These Places Visited.


Abandoned School Alberta

Taking you to school.

Old rural schools, another sure fire attractant for the team. Yes, we have a lot of obsessions. This one, in eastern Alberta, was last used quite some time ago, and spend most the last fifty years acting as a granary (interestingly, the fate of many of these buildings). With that bell tower, this one’s a especially photogenic. The golden fields of grain don’t hurt either.

The wait is over, the piece having been posted May 09th, 2018…Fairacres.


Grumman Fire Truck

With fighter plane DNA.

A Grumman AerialCat Fire Truck. That firm was best know for its fighter aircraft but also dabbled in other lines. This one was retired from active duty (in the US) and is now used by a firm that puts up Christmas displays, the long reach of the ladder put to good use when stringing lights. How cool is that? We documented their earlier truck – this is their new acquisition. It’s way bigger!

It’s taken too long, but here’s the post, published May 15th, 2018…The Springbank Lights Fleet.


Card Whiz Pinball

A pinball gets a little TLC.

Ah pinball. Every chance we get to document the subject, we jump on it. We hang with a fellow who repairs old machines, his “patient” this day, Card Whiz. I remember that one! When he’s done, it’ll play like new.

Rejoice Pinheads, here’s the piece published on February 12th, 2018…Card Whiz.


Old Bridge Piers

Big hunks of concrete…

Not just stone buildings, not just trains, we’ve got a thing for bridges. Not sure it’s for everyone, but hey, it’s our website. We’ll be looking at these concrete piers, which years ago supported two separate bridges, once used by the highway and another for trains. The Red Deer River Valley in the fall.

Here you go, the piece published December 19th, 2017…Bridges of Cambria.


Abandoned Farm House Alberta

Humbled in the badlands.

Hanging with two photographers of such amazing ability we’re truly humbled. We BS you not, these two are so good that all others appear lazy and sloppy. We’re not worthy of carrying their camera bags! In all honesty folks. Here, we explore an old farm in the Alberta Badlands, a special place indeed. We hope to return to shoot it at night some time.

It took about a year but here’s the piece, published October 5th 2018…Where Nobody Lives.


Fargo Truck

The rule: see an old truck, photograph an old truck.

We stop for old trucks! Plain and simple. No matter how late we’re running, no matter where and when, we see one, we stop, we shoot. This is a rule the team follows religiously. Seen, an old Fargo in a small but photogenic collection. The setting sun is the cherry on top. Ahh, a fantastic Alberta sky.

October 5th 2018, here’s the write up…Where Nobody Lives.


East Coulee School

East Coulee Alberta, a museum tour.

At the East Coulee Alberta School, now a museum. We’re here for a film premiere event (you’ve heard us speak of “Forgotten Prairie” – we’re in it) but take time out to shoot a piece for the venue. It’s a very cool place, touching on the history of the this charming little town. Pay them a visit. We do these museum tour articles free for the venue. We do this to help them out.

Here’s the article published July 30th, 2018…East Coulee School Museum.


Miner's Cottage

The humble miner’s cottage, a time capsule.

A tiny coal-miner’s house Red Deer River Valley, locked up decades ago after the aged owners passed and now a time capsule. Two floors, four rooms, four dangling light bulbs, cold and cold running water, coal heat, a radio for entertainment, outdoor biffy and yes that’s the bath tub. Two kids raised here. This view will change as contents are scheduled to be removed. But they will be saved by a local museum who owns the building. Then it’s on to stabilizing the strucure. On a coolness scale, it’s a solid ten!

Take a tour, the article published March 23rd, 2018…The Humble Miner’s Cottage.


Hotrod Shop Calgary

An historic building in Calgary, home to a hotrod shop.

A former power station building in Calgary, a century or so old, that sat abandoned for some time, but is now home to a car restoraiton shop. We hung around for two days, watching the action. And let me tell you it was something. If you’re into old iron, you’ll enjoy this post!

That took a while, but here’s part one, posted March 15th 2019 (yikes!)…Hanging at Frostbite (1) and now here’s part two, published April 02nd, 2019…Hanging at Frostbite (2).


Car Restoration Shop Calgary

Many ponies and the sparks fly.

So many ponies! And the sparks fly. More behind the scenes at that shop. It’s cool what they do, transforming old hunks of metal into works of art. Grinding and fabricating, sanding and painting, tuning and more tuning – it’s involved and oh so fascinating. And we’re along to record it all!

There you go, this piece gone live March 15th, 2019…Hanging at Frostbite (1) and here’s the second part, posted April 02nd, 2019…Hanging at Frostbite (2).


Where’s the Then & Nows? Oh goodness, we’ve been neglecting them. We’ve shot a whole bunch, but things being busy as they are, none have been published for a while (they don’t really contribute to the bottom line – we do them for fun – so they often get put on the backburner). We promise however, there will be some posted soon enough. Have a photo that would make good Then & Now fodder? We’d love to hear from you!

Then and now spotting! And it’s a winner, published February 13th, 2018…Queenstown Alberta then and now. And here’s another, published on April 19th, 2018…Unity Saskatchewan then and now. And one more, made live on July 16th, 2018…Green Door Ranch Then and Now.

Random interesting stuff…
Three Bridges
Red Rock Coulee
Stoney Trail – a hellish journey
Abandoned locomotive CPR’s BIG Hill – 1992

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date: 2017.
Location: All over Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Article references (and thanks): That will be for later.
Most of the places seen are on private property with being given permission to enter each.

26 responses

  1. Roger Kerik says:

    I came across your website and well WOW love what you have done I and going to plan a trip to a few of the places you have mentioned. I like you like to photograph old buildings a great way to relive the past. Who knows I might even be able to meet some intresting and informative people along the way.
    Big Time Thank You

    • You are most welcome! And we’re so happy we can inspire you to get out. Hit the road, take some photos, maybe learn something and most important, have fun! That’s what it’s all about. Please drop by often and comment and share when you can.

  2. Kevin Antonation says:

    Wow, speeders , hotrods , old trucks , old buildings , old…..whatever. That is why this is one of my favorite sites to visit !

  3. Violet says:

    I love these photos!!!

  4. Ryan W says:

    You’re one of the few photographers who I follow and admire. Top shelf work and I’m eagerly awaiting these new blog posts. We should hang some time. Ryan.

  5. Amanda Clow Janssen says:

    Oh those red chairs are AMAZING!!! What a cool pic!!

  6. Ivan Tandberg says:

    I remember those chrome sets!!

  7. Ken Sawicz says:

    So many memories riding speeders!

  8. Coinoath Sarsfield says:

    I know that place, my drone was attacked by swallows! I could still smell the smoked pork to the NW!

  9. Kyla Black says:

    So many awesome discoveries, can’t wait to see what you find out!

    • There’s some good stuff there – and we’re eagerly awaiting it too. Hate that it takes us so long to post – but hey, being busy is better than twiddling one’s thumbs.

  10. Adele Bernard Simpson says:

    My Grandpa helped to build St. Norbert’s church in Rosenheim District. Their family farm was just down the road close to Bodo. My Dad and all of his siblings were baptized at this church. Great to see this picture. Thanks Chris & Connie.

  11. Amber Misner says:

    Can’t wait!!

  12. jason sailer says:

    Can’t wait!

  13. OOOH! A teaser post.. I like it! 🙂

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