Little Leaning Church

It’s old and weather beaten, locked up and unused. This sorry looking building with faded paint is home only to pigeons, their occasional cooing breaking the silence. Sure, there’s the memories of Sunday Service, the weddings the funerals. Happy occasions some, sad and tearful others. All behind it now. Today no one drops by any more, a forgotten place this.

Here, a brief look at the little leaning church in Aldersyde Alberta.

We’re told it dates from the 1920s and remained in used perhaps up until the 1970s. Information is spotty at best, however (and you know how we hate not getting the โ€œfull pictureโ€). For many years now it’s been fenced in, the property a sometimes coral for horses. Not sure what’s in store for the building. Not sure if it’s even got a future, what with the timbers giving way. Time will tell I guess. That’s about all we have.

Attempts were made to contact the owner, to know more, but with no success. We’ve struck out here.

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SS Hosmer.

Short Subjects: reports that for any number of reasons are brief in nature. They might be updates to older articles, previews of posts planned or not yet published, brief snippets of things that don’t fit in anywhere else or subjects that are so obscure that information on them can’t be found. Or sometimes we just ramble on about Lord knows what.

If you need any more information on what we talked about here, by all means contact us!

Date of adventure: April, 2017.
Location: Aldersyde, AB.
The church is private property but you can shoot from the fence line.

Aldersyde Alberta Church

The leaning church in Aldersyde Alberta.

8 responses

  1. Susan Deyell says:

    You are a national treasure! No one else documents these places like you.

  2. Jenn Tanaka says:

    I scared the pigeons accidentally then waited until they settled back down, scared them again and got a good photo lol!

  3. Jeff Turcotte says:

    I know that one, itโ€™s lookin rough now.

  4. Shelley Lund says:

    Please tell me is this church by any chance the Anglican Church that was moved out of Acadia Valley years ago ? If it was my grandpa paid for and built that church and it was on the corner of our property in town. Just asking as it is identical.

    • No, I’m afraid not Shelley. A lot of small town or rural churches were built to a similar plan, so many look alike. Easy to confuse one with another.

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