Been Stumped

There we were enjoying ourselves, wandering about Nelson BC in the summer of 2016, and we find this. It’s a little fibreglass trailer, something Boler-like for sure, but what make is it? Thought is might be a Beachcomber, but no…a Trillium Jubilee, no again (both are pretty uncommon models). Scan the internet – it has qualities of many makes, but matches none. Check again, ask around, scan photos, chat with experts and for all that, we came up empty.

For the first time in our Boler spotting career, we’re stumped.

If you recognize this little trailer, by all means, comment below the photos. We’d love to hear from you…and there’s a beer in for you! I suspect the frame is a modification, by the way, but the shell appears unmodified. We walked around and found no maker’s mark. The owners were nowhere to be found, unfortunately. That would have been too easy!

Nelson. What can we say about the place. One of the more stunning towns in all of stunning BC. That scenery! That setting! Team BIGDoer can trace its roots back to here – Chris’ mom was born here. Always love to visit!

This same adventure…
Under Wraps – vintage locomotives cocooned.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on road trips and adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

Reference: (now offline).

If you need more information, by all means contact us!

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Unknown Fibreglass Trailer

Now what’s this?

Boler-Like Trailer

This one left us scratching our heads…

Nelson BC

We’re in Nelson British Columbia – now there’s a view!

8 responses

  1. Owen Lindsay says:

    What you found is a “Dolphin travel trailer built in Winnipeg, Manitoba around 1979-1980. I bought one in 1995 in Saskatoon, and owned it until 2010, when I sold it to my son, and we have since lost track of it, as he traded it on a bigger unit. Yes, the frame looks altered, as the original frames would crack where the hitch joined the main channels at the front of the trailer body. This was because of flexion over time.

    • Fantastic! New to me. And here I thought I knew of every make out there. In all honesty though, I spent a huge amount of time, a lot more than I should have, looking over every make of small fibreglass trailer I could find and came up empty. Even the experts I contacted (bugged actually) had no idea. Thanks a million for clearing this up!

    • Mgs says:

      Hi! I just bought a dolphin last week and I can’t find any information on it. Do you have any direction you could point me too?

      It leaks through a window but it’s painted and bubbling so I wanted to sand it down and repair but I’m trying to figure out what what kind of paint it was and what the shell and the roof are made of

      Also the interior has this foamy type lining , do you know what is made up of as well??
      Thank you in advance

  2. Connie Biggart says:

    Nelson is a beautiful town!

  3. Ernie Corrnet says:

    Looks like a Beachcomber.

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