Summer of 2017

Presenting all the Bolers, and other makes of small fibreglass trailers, including our very first Armadillo (a real cutie), that we photographed during the summer of 2017. Rather than post these one at at time as we’ve been mostly doing, which clearly isn’t working given the backlog, we’ll lump them together in groups till we’ve get caught up. After this post we’re only one year behind (wow). So here, for your approval, the following little gems…

1) Artist, photographer, teacher Mitch Kern’s ”Camper Obscura”, a Boler made into an immersive chamber where one can sit and view the outside world through a lens. The clarity is amazing and it’s like your in the scene. Frankly it’s mind blowing – see for yourself and click the link. Here were follow him to a spot where the trailer can be set up. Free ad for Springbank Cheese Calgary.

2) Our Boler cap is a hit. If you want one let us know – before the “Oilers” find out. Here, a random find in Calgary. This is a late model Boler with the Maple Leaf logo. It looks well cared for and clean.

3) A bright yellow jacket or shirt, even if we don’t wear them all the time, is a trademark. This Boler is in the same loud shade. It glows at night! Wonder if this was a factory colour since we’ve seen a couple others in yellow like this. Location: some alley in Calgary.

4) A shy Boler hiding behind some trees. Location: lost to time. Maybe Calgary though.

5) Roaming back alleys (which we’re apt to do), a Boler spotting in Viking Alberta. We’re here to take in the local museum (see: Museum Tour – Viking Alberta) but in the evening found ourselves wandering about town and stumbling across this here find. Then it rained.

6) Being lazy or creative – who knows. Here, in the side view mirror, a reflection shot. Another Boler in Calgary.

7) So liked the looking back effect, we did it again. Here, not far from BIGDoer HQ in Calgary, a Trillium. This was the only one we photographed all Summer – odd, since they tend to be more common than Bolers with a lot of them seen. We show no favouritism and shoot all makes.

8) Our next door neighbours owns a Boler, which we photograph when ever it shows up (several times a year). I suspect they noticed we have this crazy obsession but I don’t know if they realize we’ve taken it to the Internet. During a break in the rain, the colours in the sky pop.

9) An Armadillo, a new manufacturer making little trailers that are very Boler-like. This was the first one we’ve seen out in the wild and the only one to date we’ve yet photographed. I suspect there will be more appearing here as more are sold. Out in Dumore Alberta.

10) I was busy looking at the train. It was Connie who spotted this Boler sorta hidden in traffic. Oh yeah…there it is…I get distracted. In downtown Calgary.

Random awesomeness…
Zephyr Creek to Painted Creek – First Nation’s Pictographs.
Kelts’ Collection – Old Big Rigs late in the day.
Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part Two – life’s troubles left behind.
Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part One – channelling the great Buster Keaton.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on road trips and adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

If you need more information, by all means contact us!

Camper Obscura

1) Mitch Kern’s “Camper Obscura”. Boler Hat

2) Some street in Calgary.

Yellow Boler Trailer

3) Matches my jacket!

13 Foot Boler

4) A shy one.

Viking Alberta Boler

5) Back alley Viking.

17 Foot Boler

6) Creative or just lazy?

Trillium Trailer

7) Mirror shot 2.0 – here’s a fine Trillium. Boler

8) Right outside our front door.

Armadillo Trailer

9) Our first “Armadillo”.

Calgary Boler Trailer

10) In traffic and almost hidden.

2 responses

  1. Connie Biggart says:

    That shot out in front of our place is amazing!

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Chris & Connie thank you!