Azure & Bronze

Cruising along the Number Two south of High River Alberta you can see it over there in the west. Silhouetted by the Porcupine Hills, it’s a towering grain elevator found at a place called Azure, never really a town, more a siding along a (now gone) rail line. Dating from the 1920s the structure was built by the firm Alberta Pacific. Later, in the 1960s it was sold to a local farmer who used to it to store grain for a time, but today stands empty and unused. We understand plans are in place to preserve the building so it does not appear threatened.

We’ve been trying to get into the elevator, for an intimate look, for some time now and will keep on it. We did visit it many years ago, but not up close like we want to today. A link below will show how it looked in 2012.

This day: lucky us we happened to be driving by as the sun set. Screech, a hard left, a little burning rubber to find a cross road where the elevator and sun could sort of be lined up. That amazing bronze hue. It was not a planned stop but opportunity presented itself and we’ll take it.

Azure, in the world of colour, is a powdery blue. And it’s the name of that place.

More history…
Azure Grain Elevator.

Short Subjects: reports that for any number of reasons are brief in nature. They might be updates to older articles, previews of posts planned or not yet published, brief snippets of things that don’t fit in anywhere else or subjects that are so obscure that information on them can’t be found. Or sometimes we just ramble on about Lord knows what.

If you need any more information on what we talked about here, by all means contact us!

Date of adventure: October, 2018.
Location: Azure, AB.

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Azure Alberta Elevator

Off in the distance an old grain elevator.

Azure Alberta Grain Elevator

At a place called Azure.

22 responses

  1. I am surprised you forgot already, I took you and Connie there in June 2016, as we met my friend BJ who has the keys to the elevator. He said we could come back and photograph there (when we coordinate with him). We should plan on documenting this elevator this year 🙂

    • We do remember that. To keep it simple we made no mention of it since we had no pics to back up that visit. We took none. For readers, if there’s no photos, it didn’t happen. As to paying it a (re)visit, yes, we’re in! Tomorrow then?!

  2. Connie Biggart says:

    A bit of rally driving to get here.

  3. Linda Huisman says:

    Great picture 😀

  4. John Sloot says:

    Beautiful photos!

  5. Jackie Boros says:

    Nice photos.

  6. Arthur L. Rowe says:

    I remember when Mac Rudd was the elevator-man at Azure! 1940? We used to ride our bikes down there from High River.

  7. Ann Phil says:

    Azure was our back yard for years …. loved it ❤️

  8. Jim Donna Pearson says:

    A beautiful of an iconic elevator. Do you mind if I dnld for my personal enjoyment?

  9. Bernadette Diane Bolcic says:

    Love the photos!❤️

  10. Dale Stewart says:

    Great photos!

  11. Joanna Ridley says:

    Beautiful colors!

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