How Not To Be Seen…

Taking cues from a well known Monty Python sketch (snicker…Mrs BJ Smegma) instructing one “how not to be seen” it’s a cute little Boler doing its best to go unnoticed. It’s a shy one, but can’t elude us. We have these special…let’s describe them as “abilities”…something called Boleradar, a sixth sense that helps us lock onto their locations, even if well hidden. Such was the case here, a feeling overpowering, directing us to this one. As though possessed, we turn in unison, and even before our eyes lock onto the target, point in that direction and together shout “Boler!” This is what one says enthusiastically upon seeing one of these tiny beasts.

Here we’re in Airdrie Alberta, out for a walk, when this came into our lives. The date is March 2019 (score, only a year behind now!). This is a thirteen foot Boler, no doubt itching for warmer weather when the call of the road becomes irresistible. We’re adventure bound! Till then, it’s keeping a low profile.

It never ceases to amaze how obscured one of these can be and yet still get spotted by us. We’re talking “out of the corner of your eye” stuff. Not only is it mostly blocked from view by that fence, but the snow covering doesn’t help either. That form is well disguised. Major skills there, dudes! And it’s made us rich and famous. Well famous. Truth is, no one has a clue who we are. Okay, we collect pop bottles on the side too. Happy now?

Till the next one’s spotted, happy trails!

That same week…
New Horizon Mall is Strange! – newly built and mostly vacant.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on road trips and adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

We’d love to hear from you: contact us!

Airdie Alberta Boler

How not to be seen…

2 responses

  1. Connie Biggart says:

    Hidden Boler!

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