Calgary Stampede 2020: Cancelled!

We came to photograph the Big Four Building on the Stampede Grounds for an article we’re doing on unique mid-century architecture in Calgary. Can you say zig-zag roof? That’s the focus of the planned piece, which will look at buildings done up in that style or similar in form (wavy roof for example). These were a thing back then and quite ground breaking in many ways, but today look perhaps a bit dated. Still, we think them fabulous! There’s maybe a couple dozen such structures in Cow Town (hey, it’s is Stampede time!) that we’re found so far. But they’re for another story later.

Anyway, arrangements are made with the Stampede Board to come on down officially, at our favourite time of day for photography, around sunset. It’s a always so colourful then. A date is picked, Thursday July 3rd, instructions given and in forty-eight hours hence, we’ll be down there and snapping away for maybe ninety minutes. Easy peasy and a pretty cool thing to do. Then comes the realization…wait, that day would be Sneak-a-peek normally. Had the Stampede not been cancelled for 2020, it’d be Sneak-a-peek! This simple job has taken on a whole new meaning.

Calgary Stampede 2020: Cancelled! – cowboys have the blues. By Chris Doering & Connie Biggart (BIGDoer/Synd)

Yes, for the first time in over a century, the Stampede, the Greatest freaking Show on Earth, will not happen. Thanks Covid! Damn buzz kill. And we’re standing at what would be ground zero on what would have been opening night. It should be crazy busy but instead is quiet, empty and the place all ours. Mind blowing! We’re on location to document the Big Four, but in the end found another subject to cover here, the emptiness and utter sadness of a legendary event that for this year, has been called off. Completely called off! Even the floods of 2013 didn’t stop the show.

Scroll down for photos and to comment.

No rides, no concessions, no stetsons, no Cowboys, no people what so ever. It’s as though the world has come to an end and we’ve got a front row seat. Think Omega Man, Stampede Edition.

Calgary Stampede Cancelled

It’s eerily quiet with the Stampede cancelled.

Over there, the grandstand where the rodeo happens. There’s tens of thousands of seats looking for a bum but no one’s coming. Chuck wagons, nixed. Bull Riding, no. The prizes, gone. So much entertainment that will not happen. So much money brought into the city, lost.

Here in the parking lot, occupied only by the Mighty BIGDoer-mobile, would be dead centre of the midway. Popcorn, cotton candy and winning a stuffed animal for the sweetie. And the rides. Those crazy-ass Tilt-o-Pukeys. Stomach’s in a knot, I’m gunna toss! “Do you want to go faster?” “NO!” said in unison. “I think I heard yes! Hang on!” Aaaahhhhhhh!!!” All that lemonade and pulled pork comes rushing back and tastes nothing like it did on the way down. Oh, and the beer gardens! On a crazy hot day, even a Coors down good.

The Saddledome (dip), where the biggest stars in county come to play during the Stampede, all locked up and empty. No Brooks and Dunn, no Reba McEntire. That cavernous building is silent.

There’s the Western Events Centre. If there’s a vintage tractor show or some kind of horse demonstration at Stampede time, it’s here where you’ll see it happen. Next door, the barns where animals put on display are kept. Come see the cows, horses and other critters that live on the farm…and smell the part. Dodging paddies here. In both buildings this day, it’s a total absence of life.

The Corral, long ago the big event venue at the Stampede now overshadowed by the much larger Dome. They’re looking into replacing both maybe somewhere down the road. In the meantime the Corral hosts stuff that’s more intimate, lower key concerts and shows, where they might fill a couple thousand seats.

In an attached building, during Stampede is a huge market full of swap meet treasures. Looking for a ShamWow? (“you know the Germans always make good stuff!”) – Vince is the MAN! Well, this is the place. Flex Tape? That Dr Ho muscle zapping torture device? A “military grade” TacVisor (Nick Bolton is so dreamy) or the maybe that thing you jam up your nose to wash out boogers? You’ll be in heaven here.

And our subject, the Big Four Building. It’s named after the the group that was the driving force early in the Stampede’s history (early 1910s), Pat Burns, George Lane, AE Cross and Archibald McLean. During Stampede, the building is home to restaurants, bars and a casino. In the old days, they used to have curling rinks in the basement. Maybe they’re still there? The structure dates from 1959. Looking up to the Skyride, the only permanent ride here, it seem’s Westjet is a sponsor. With the airline biz in the toilet due to the pandemic, they must be hurting. If you go to Calgary Airport, they have unneeded planes parked all over the place there.

So at any other time, outside this strange day in 2020, the very place where we’re standing would have been witness to sheer chaos. Throngs of people, an incredible din, so many smells (Mmm, deep fried butter kabobs). It’s Sneak-a-peek, the unofficial kick off to Stampede. Next day it’s the world famous Stampede Parade, followed by a formal opening of the grounds but on this soft opening, you get to say you’re first. On the 2019 Sneak-a-peek they hosted some thirty plus thousand visitors. This day, this year, it was but a handful of us. Team BIGDoer, a few roving security guards, the man in the moon, the fibreglass cowboy (we’ll call him Ty Tuffy Levi Colton Wilder) plus a few people who sneaked in to see what’s going on.

A few came in on bikes, a couple on those Lime scooters (damn, those things can move). All drove down the central boulevard and were soon gone before anyone even noticed. Then came a carload which included a fellow dressed for Nashville North, ready to “Yahoo!” but with no party to be found. Security I guess allowed them a pass. Later near the one and only Stampede Float anyone will see this year we offer up a prop for their photoshoot. Yes we brought a corn dog…don’t ask. Seemed fitting though that Mr Stampede, the very face of the event 2020, should get the honours. He looked every bit the part and put on the brave face, a broad gleaming smile displaying a confidence that in one year hence it’ll all return. Lament CS 2020, but celebrate the one coming. Yes, there will be a Calgary Stampede 2021 and I suspect it’ll get a little crazy. So much pent up demand! Three hundred and sixty five more sleeps to go!

This has to be one of the strangest happenings in Calgary’s history.

The grounds are ours again. The day offers up a wonderful sunset and we get our shots. It’s one last look around. Yup, we’re the only ones here. MacLeod is busy with cars, as always, while planes nosily pass overhead. There’s movement so the world has not ended.

Tall condos towers loom over the grounds and glimmer in last rays of light. How in the world could anyone live here peacefully with the Stampede in full swing? Sure, they get a pass this year but any other time, each and every July, the party goes well into the wee hours for a week or more and being quiet is NOT in the cards. Noisy rides and revellers and games and fireworks. Sleep might not come till four or five and you’ll be back awake when it starts all over again well before lunch. And the traffic! The thought bubble of the sleep deprived guy watching the action from their balcony: “Now why did I move here?”

Calgary Stampede 2020 Cancelled

Thanks Covid!

Alone. We’re alone. The place should be alive and we standing there mouth agape, dumbfounded and in silence. There’s something special going on here and we’re spectators…you can bet it’ll never happen again while we’re alive (unless that clone kit I sent away for works). Team BIGDoer are one of the few who got to experience Stampede Sneak-a-peek 2020 and let me tell it was awesome in all its strange magnificence! The date on which our little gig happened made things extraordinary and something likely to never be repeated.

Rambling on again. And now it’s back to working on the book…

They’re saying…

”A great community to get ideas of places to explore in Alberta. For us older people allows us to reminisce and also learn more about Alberta. Very nice/cool pictures too!!” Candace Larsen.

Fully and completely random…
Coal Mine Hoist House.
Old Metal Sandon BC.
CL Western Town.

If you wish more information on what you’ve seen here, by all means contact us!

Date of Adventure: July, 2020.
Location: Site of the Greatest Show on Earth.
Article references and thanks: Calgary Stampede Board.

Empty Calgary Stampede Grounds

No rides, no concessions, no people.

Rabbit Calgary Stampede

The rabbit’s confused too.

Big Four Building

We were actually here to shoot this building.

Calgary Stampede Condos

Condo city!

Stampeded Cancelled

And now that’s a BIG NO.

Stampede 2020 Cancelled

The man in the moon, this cowboy & us.

Stampede Twenty Twenty Cancelled

The calm & silence is so strange.

Calgary Stampede Windmill

In the still of twilight.

Big Four Building Stampede

Any other year we’d not be alone standing here.

Calgary Stampede Float

No parade either.

Calgary Stampede Skyride

The only permanent ride.

Mr Calgary Stampede 2020

Mr Stampede 2020.

Big Four Cancelled Stampede

What a strange year it’s been.

Calgary Stampede 2020

For our eyes only.

Big Four Calgary Stampede

No one to appreciate their beauty.

Stampede Skyride

Westjet’s got to be hurting.

Cancelled Calgary Stampede

What a great loss for the city.

Cancelled Stampede 2020

On the plus side, parking’s good this year.

Calgary Stampede Cancelled 2020

The Stampede will return…

22 responses

  1. Bunny & Hal says:

    Who have ever imagined it could happen, the mighty Stamped canceled. What a dumpster fire 2020 has become.

  2. Shawna McLean says:

    Everything’s been cancelled!

  3. Smith Family says:

    Mr Stampede is so awesome!

  4. Smith Family says:

    On what would be opening night yet? That’s amazing! Love your take on the world.

  5. Dannie Chung says:

    Next year’s party will be legendary!

  6. Ace of Spades says:

    All your photos and stories are all so interesting!

  7. Paul Freedon says:

    So sad to see it empty like this when it should be busy with folks enjoying themselves. Covid has ruined everything in 2020.

  8. Elward O'Doul says:

    That’s so strange!

  9. Paul Gilbarco says:

    Another epic weird adventure. PEACE. Thanx for sharing.

  10. Connie Biggart says:

    So strange to see it all quiet like this.

  11. Paul Delamere says:

    Let’s just do away with it. It’s time passed decades ago

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Chris & Connie thank you!