Small Town Trillium

Always on Boler patrol, no matter the place or time, here’s a chance find in a small Alberta town. And with that bold colour, it’d be a hard one to miss. We’re out hanging with friends, we’ve getting to know some new to us back roads and here’s a vintage Trillium to help round out the day. Old farms and forgotten places are the meat and potatoes, but a little vintage camper, its the rich gravy on top.

Trilliums have been in production for close to fifty years, by various firms and today are made in Calgary by Outback Trailer Manufacturing. They’re little changed in appearance over time, exterior wise, but we don’t think any left the factory in this shade of blue.

Trilliums, by the numbers are the most common of the little fibreglass trailers (and when we say Boler patrol, we really mean any make similar in form, regardless of era), but perhaps not by much. Our yearly tallies are almost equal in regards to the number seen verses Bolers.

From around that time…
Red Deer River Valley Wanderings – One fine evening.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass travel trailer made in Canada in the 1970s and 80s. We make a fun game spotting them on road trips and adventures. We also include other similar trailers here, those from other manufacturers who are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

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Small Town Trillium Trailer

Very blue, in small town Alberta.

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