Back Alley Boler

A Boler is where you find it and more often than not this can be some random back lane. Case in point here, it’s a completely chance discovery spotted while out for a little stroll. We don’t generally walk alleys โ€“ that would be silly – but we do scan any we cross in search of our quarry. This method has been surprisingly productive too and many of the fifty or sixty Bolers we document each year are found this way.

This two-tone Boler was found in Calgary in June, 2020. There we were joking about the possibility of finding one this day and out of nowhere, there it is. This sort of thing happens all to often, interestingly. Here’s another one in the books and there’s a lot more waiting to be posted here so stay tuned (not that anyone reads these – haha).

From the same card dump…
Parkdale Crescent NW – A street lost in time.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

To reach out or say hello, go here: contact us!

Calgary Alberta Boler

Back alleys are a Boler hot spot.

2 responses

  1. Connie Biggart says:

    Nice colour scheme.

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Chris & Connie thank you!