Global News Boler

Global News Boler: it’s one of our favourite little trailers spotted while channel surfing a couple years back and in the background of some news story playing out on the screen. It’s May 2020, height of the pandemic (first wave edition) and no doubt this topic, perhaps how it relates to the RV business, the subject of the interview. We don’t recall the specifics but given the media was singularly focused on Covid for the last two years, it’s a sucker bet.

Anyway, there in the background of some camper storage place (where, we don’t know), it’s a nice Boler. It’s not the first one we’ve seen on a TV news broadcast either and appears to be a late model (1980s) example. Bonus points awarded for this one – just because. This photo got lost somehow and now only two years later, finally, we’re posting it. Yeah, we’re slow off the draw.

Shot that same week…
Calgary Then & Now: Ogden Bus Loop – strange things that fascinate.

Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.

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Global News Boler

Global News Boler: spotted while channel surfing.

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