Random Pick: The Green Machine Won’t Start!

A request comes out of the blue. Could you drive our old motorhome from one spot in Calgary to another close by? We’re into vintage campers โ€“ that’s well known – so I guess they though us perhaps the best people to call. Bad idea folks! Anyway, the conversation plays out something like this: Column shift manual? No problem. It doesn’t run well? We’ll fake it, but any embarrassment that comes with it is on you. Wait, you say we know this motorhome and called it the Green Machine in a post?

That one?!

It seems this person purchased the old beastie, one we had documented before (link below) and unsure where to otherwise turn, gave us a ring. Presenting what the owner nicknamed Hazel, a 1970s Champion and at best described as a rolling brick. Curious? It’s seen here, along with a couple other strange vehicles: Mystery Machine โ€“ Green Machine โ€“ Strange homemade RV

I know what you’re thinking…that’s the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Shag carpeting, a cobbled together dash, wires hanging everywhere and of course a big old ashtray (cause everyone chain smoked back then) โ€“ what’s not to like? The engine spins, it catches briefly but won’t stay running. Rinse and repeat until it’s time to give up. So we left and I guess later they had it towed and then we soon lost contact. I wonder what became of it and their plans to make it roadworthy?

In our dreams they made it happen. We can picture it now, a green streak roaring down the highway, a little “Afternoon Delight” on the 8-track, and not a care in the world. They did it!

This photo is just a random pick from our collection โ€“ we simply close our eyes and point, while praying it’s nothing embarrassing!

Since the subject is motorhomes…
Motorhomes @ BIGDoer.com – It’s all silly stuff.

Short Subjects: Reports that are short and sweet in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time!

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: February, 2015.
Location: Calgary, AB.

Green Machine Motorhome

The Green Machine won’t start!

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Chris & Connie thank you!