They Do Exist (FMC Motorhome)

We know of them, but never thought we’d spot one of these rare beasts out in the wild. This brand of motorhome was made so long ago and never sold in huge numbers (and further we suspect most or all were to US customers), so the odds were against it. I mean attrition alone must have taken many in the ensuing years, but still, we held out hope that one day it’d happen. Here’s the first, and I bet it’ll be the only FMC Motorhome we’ve ever seen. They do exist!

These were a product of the Food Machinery Corporation and built in the years 1973-1976. This was the firm’s only foray into what was a then burgeoning business, but ultimately they didn’t last long at it. Seems it they were better suited at making specialized military vehicles, cranes and other stuff. The name, of course, also tells of another product they once made, food canning equipment and the like.

FMC motorhomes we’re dreadfully expensive, but well appointed for the time and in design really stood out. Where as most RVs of the era were boxy affairs, these were more stylish. About a thousand were made and it’s estimated well over half are still on out there. This was a random find (the best kind) and spotted while driving BC backroads in search of adventure. It’s gorgeous, but being in a bit of a hurry meant a quick shot was all we had time for.

In the area and from another visit…
Nakusp Rail Society.

Short Subjects: Reports that are short and sweet in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time!

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Date of adventure: May 2022.
Location: Near Nakusp, BC.

FMC Motorhome

They do exist – a rare FMC Motorhome.

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