Random Pick: TV Wasteland

TV Wasteland: this old CRT television was found well away from any roads, farms or towns in the Alberta Badlands and one has to wonder how it ever got here. We were in search of a little mining history (with permission of the landowner) and hoofing-it cross country through a coulee when it was spotted. How strange.

Now people have been discarding old things since the beginning of time, but that someone went through the trouble of bringing it here is curious. Even in an area not frequently visited, people have left their mark.

We just found it interesting.

This is another random pick, a previously unpublished photo pulled from the archives and presented here. We just close our eyes, point and hope for the best as any photo is game. Once again, it’s nothing embarrassing or cringe worthy, but it will happen. We know it and dread the thought.

In the area…
Drumheller Pathways and East Coulee Alberta then and now.

Short Subjects: Reports that are short and sweet in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time!

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: May 2022.
Location: Alberta Badlands.

TV Wasteland

TV Wasteland: another random pick photo.

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Chris & Connie thank you!