Any Time is Boler Time
An old saying warns us any time is train time, but in our world the same holds true for little fibreglass trailers and they always see to appear randomly out of nowhere. Of course, we’re subconsciously always on the prowl, but still it’s amazing how many we come across. So we say any time is Boler time and here’s an example of that. This one, a thirteen foot model, was a chance find while out for a walk in Calgary in November 2020.
We forgot to record the neighbourhood and our mush-memories are zero help there. Anyway, it’s a nice old mid-1970s or earlier (or thereabouts) model and we can tell this by the metal badging. Ones manufactured after that time, and there seemed to be a lengthy transition period, used stickers instead.
From the same card dump…
Small Town Trek: High River.
Boler: A small cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance or configuration to Bolers.
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Any Time is Boler Time – another random find!
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