Random Pick: The Bear Stare

The Bear Stare: here’s a random pick photo from the collection showing a brief but memorable face to face encounter that happened out near Trout Lake British Columbia. That place is simply crawling with those furry beasts and encounters quite common. There we were burning down some logging road, at breakneck speeds naturally, (new course record too!) when on rounding a corner surprised this fellow on the road. The first part of the preceding sentence is a fib and we’re always a cautious drivers.

Anyway, the bear scrambles down a steep embankment and vanishes, so that’s the end of it, or so we think. But then panicking perhaps, it scales a tree way down there, that then puts it level with the road again and mere metres away from us. We were so close we could have high-fived. There’s some air between it and us, but still it gets your heart racing. And seconds later, it retreated and was gone.

Random picks: an otherwise unpublished photo picked by chance and presented here. Since we never throw images away, they could be something badly shot, out of focus or even something embarrassing (it’s all fair game), but so far we’ve dodged a bullet. This photo was taken for us and suspect it would have never been shared on this website otherwise.

Thanks Dale for this one.

From the same card dump…
Roadside Rust: Heel-Boom Log Loader.

Short Subjects: Reports that are short and sweet in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: May, 2022.
Location: Between Ferguson and Trout Lake BC.

The Bear Stare

The Bear Stare: out near Trout Lake British Columbia.

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Chris & Connie thank you!