Dino Egg Boler (Streets of Edmonton)

There we were driving about the provincial capitol and minding our own business, when out of nowhere something catches our eye. A couple blocks ahead, a familiar form is spotted, on the move, and soon a chase ensues. Always at posted speeds that is. If it times right, we just might catch this Dino Egg Boler and soon enough, we’re on it. Got it…Boler! Thank you badly synced lights, Edmonton.

This is one of the more eye catching custom paint jobs we’ve seen on these trailers and we love it. Most people seem to keep the factory colours, even on a repaint (or re-gel I guess) but sometimes we see creativity in play, as happened here. This was an in-motion capture and it’s one of the hardest to pull of successfully. Usually we lose them in traffic or can never catch up.

It a nice one and worth the detour. Now to backtrack…where the heck are we?

From the same card dump…
Edmonton Transit: The Lodge Hotel, Edmonton Transit: 95th Street and Lost Lemon Mine.

Boler: A small, cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance, construction or configuration to Bolers.

To reach out or say hello, go here: contact us!

Dino Egg Boler

Spotted while driving in Edmonton.

Dino Egg Boler Trailer

It’s the Dino Egg Boler.

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Chris & Connie thank you!