Trans-Canada Highway Surf Side

There we were returning from a little hike out in Kananaskis Country (here: Eagle Hill) and out of nowhere it’s a chance discovery. It’s a highway Surf Side, caught along the Trans-Canada and a fitting end to a great road-trip adventure. It’s like the cherry on top โ€“ a good hike and then this.

The firm Triple E (still in business) made these out in Manitoba and they were sold in modest numbers during the 1970s/1980s period. They’re not terribly uncommon, but still, we don’t that many per year. Bonus points on this one especially given the trailer is in motion.

From a distance it’d be easy to confuse a Surf Side with the more common Trillium (older examples of the later especially). Both are quite a boxy in form and share similar lines. This discovery takes us back to May 2021.

From the same card dump…Edmonton Transit: The Lodge Hotel, Edmonton Transit: 95th Street and Lost Lemon Mine.

Boler: A small, cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance, construction or configuration to Bolers.

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Highway Surf Side

Trans-Canada Highway Surf Side.

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