El Camino Appreciation Walk Boler

This Boler was spotted in a Calgary neighbourhood during one of our annual El Camino appreciation walks. We did the legendary trail in Spain in 2018 and getting out like this each year always takes us back. It’s like reliving the experience and for a day, we’re Perigrinos once again.

Each June, we’ll pick a (mostly pathway) route in town of approximately twenty clicks (about what we averaged each day on the “Way”) and enjoy a Spanish themed meal at the end. The food was always a highlight of the trail and so we like to make sure to replicate that part as best we can. Wine too…wine was big.

Towns along the El Camino are often no more than few clicks apart, and we made it a point to stop at local cafes or pubs each day and take a break from the walking. Everybody did it. In plays out similarly on these Calgary walks and we plan the trip so there’s several well timed refreshment stops.

Reliving the adventure, and it was a incredible, even if it’s just a slice of what we did, is something we look forward to doing. The company, the chit-chat, the reminiscing, the food and we’re back there again. And this day the Boler was the proverbial cherry (or cereza, alternate cereixa when in Galica) on top. This from the 2021 walk.

Our time in Spain (new tab)…

From the same card dump…
Cochrane Pathways: Glenbow – Riversong and Irricana United Church.

Boler: A small, cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance, construction or configuration to Bolers.

To reach out or say hello, go here: contact us!

El Camino Appreciation

A Boler spotted during an El Camino appreciation walk.

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