Random Pick: The Misty Mountains

Here’s another photo from our archives picked completely at random and presented here in all its glory. We close our eyes, point and pray what ever is chosen is worth seeing. So far it’s worked. It has be previously unpublished, but otherwise all images, good, bad or even cringe-worthy, are game. This one’s not embarrassing at least, and shows a gorgeous misty mountains scene out in Kananaskis.

We’re nearing the summit of Mt Lipsett, and as often happens in this area, the fog rolls in. Soon after we were enveloped (it gets dead silent too), but just as quickly it all dissipates. It seems to happen more often on cooler, moister days and tends to concentrate in the area within view. There’s even a Mist Mountain right beside Lipsett, unseen and behind our shooting position.

We’re hiking up an old exploration road and it was put in during the post World War Two period. They were looking for coal, and found it, but a mine never developed. Now these old roads, and there’s plenty in the area, make for fine hiking trails. Thanks for dropping by and here’s the trip report from this outing (Mount Lipsett) and you know, we really need to go back. It’s been a while.

That same month…Building Information Modeling For Dummies, Industrial Park Living and St Henryโ€™s Catholic Church Twin Butte.

Short Subjects: Reports that are short and sweet in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: July, 2015.
Location: Kananaskis, Alberta.

Misty Mountains Kananaskis

The Misty Mountains of Kananaskis.

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Chris & Connie thank you!