Random Pick: End of Track

Random Pick: It’s just as the title suggests and we simply close our eyes, select a previously unpublished photo and post it here. Be it good or bad, profound or embarrassing cringe. So far it’s been pretty decent stuff, but one day it’ll be awful and we just know it. Today, it’s “End of Track”, a photo capture from along a railway industrial spur in Calgary.

Nothing much to see here…or is there? Turn’s out there’s a story. This line in Inglewood once proceeded past this point (behind us) and into downtown, but was truncated many years back. It was unceremoniously dead-ended right before hitting 9th Ave SE due to home construction.

This was the Grand Trunk Pacific’s main track into the city and ended at present day East Village. Built in the early 1910s, it became a Canadian National property less than a decade later. Now demoted to spur status, it’s used among other things, to access a rail-car repair plant. The tankers in back were due in for work there and we could see the bad order placards.

Our library runs deep and for every photo on this site, there’s countless others that have never seen the light of day publicly. Mostly they were shot for personal viewing and never intended to be shared anyway. It’s the stuff we find interesting, but others might not. So it’s just a piece of railway track to most, but to us made something more interesting with just a little digging. Railway archeology is a passion.

Till the next random drop, have a great day.

From the same card dump…
The Lost LAV: Which Way to Wainwright?, BC Inland Ferries – Columbia and Arrow Park III, 1959 Calgary Stampede Dream Home and Jessie’s – Royal Cafe – Golden Crown.

Short Subjects: Reports that are brief in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: May, 2022.
Location: Calgary, AB.

End of Track

End of Track: remnants of the Grand Trunk in Calgary.

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Chris & Connie thank you!