Smoky Times on 17th Ave SW Calgary

“Thanks” to prevailing winds, smoke from distant forest fires will sometimes blanket the city of Calgary during the summer. It’s just how it plays out and the skies will often remain hazy for days or even weeks on end. Heaven help those with respiratory problems and even for people who are healthy, it literally sucks the life from your body. We’re on 17th Ave SW Calgary and coughing up a lung.

Sunsets are usually spectacular, if there’s a plus side to speak of, and the sky turns a deep shade of orange and the sun becomes a glowing disc. These photos are from a couple years back, but even as we type this, there’s smoke in the air…of course. It’s not that bad, however, compared to some days this year.

Seen here, not far from BIGDoer HQ, it’s a rather everyday street scene, if not for those apocalyptic skies. But wait, there’s something more and it’s seen on the side of the bus shelter. Boler! It’s not the first one we’ve noted in an ad but here it’s quite eye-catching.

The LRT (that’s a station in back) was out of service along here, for some reason and the bus was doing shuttle duty. The date is July 2021 and conditions like this hung around most of that month.

From the same card dump…
Coal Mine Fan House (Alberta Rockies), Serendipity @ The Rock (Frank Slide) and On the Job: ’73 Kenworth W925.

Boler: A small, cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance, construction or configuration to Bolers.

To reach out or say hello, go here: contact us!

17th Ave SW Calgary Boler

Smoky Times on 17th Ave SW Calgary. Boler!

Smoky Skies Calgary

That apocalyptic sunset.

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