Random Pick: A Thing for Trains (II)

Sometimes we’ll just watch trains and if any show up that’s great and if there’s none that’s fine too. We’ll pick a spot somewhere within sight of the tracks, camera in hand, drop a blanket, bring a book, and perhaps a little snack. Then we wait.

Sometime the efforts are a wash and other times there’s an endless parade. It’s no matter one way or the other and like fishing, it’s the act and not the outcome that matters. Still, it’s nice when there’s some action.

Here’s a favourite viewing spot that we visit from time to time and it allows all but the longest of trains to be seen in their entirety. It’s high up, on a sweeping outside curve and with the Bow River as a backdrop. What a beautiful setting and it allows trains of up to maybe 150-160 cars to be fully within sight.

The one posted here is closer to one thirty, by the way, and is an eastbound grain empty. So it’s heading away from our position and is powered by two locomotives, one at each end. It’s not often you can get one of this size into a single frame.

Random pick: unpublished images pulled from our extensive archive, without concern to subject or image quality and shared here. It’s yet to happen that a stinker is posted, but it’s inevitable at some point. This photo was shot for us and never intended to be viewed by others, but now I guess all are game. All, be the good, bad or downright dreadful (and there’s a lot).

From the same card dump…Anastasia Lords, Upper workings of the St Eugene and Grist Mill Farm.

Short Subjects: Reports that are brief in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: October, 2015.
Location: Cochrane, Alberta.

A Thing for Trains

A thing for trains: all ~130 cars in view.

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