In the Shadow of Mount Begbie

It happened last summer and memories of this amazing adventure filled journey remain fresh. Imagine a week of epic fun, times a million, spent camping out and playing in the Shadow of Mount Begbie in Revelstoke British Columbia. We hiked, we explored, we searched out history, abandoned things too, we ate amazing food, sat by the fire and slept like babies under the stars.

One afternoon found us wandering the Columbia River flats south of town in search of adventure and admiring the views. We had a plan, to seek out remnants of an old highway and railway line. A dam downstream, put in during the 1960s, caused flooding of the area so the former got moved to higher ground and the latter abandoned. Some sections of both are now permanently submerged, others are sometimes exposed if water levels are low and some found on dry land.

The photo below was captured along one stretch of old road and where it dips into the lake. Not only is the scenery something at this point, but the vintage floatplane became an added bonus. It’s a pontoon equipped Cessna model 172 from the early 1960s and in striking colours. The 172 is said to be the most successful plane ever in terms of sales and something like forty five thousand have been made. They started in the 1950s and production continues to this day.

Lofty Mount Begbie across the water is one of the the most prominent peaks in the area and no better backdrop could be imagined. Eagle eyed readers will spot paddleboarders in back and like us, clearly enjoying the day.

From the same card dump…Highway History (BC): the Garbage Gobbler and Big Eddy Bridge Revelstoke BC.

Short Subjects: Reports that are brief in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

To reach out or to say hi, go here: contact us!

Date of adventure: July, 2023.
Location: Near Revelstoke, BC.

Mount Begbie Revelstoke

In the shadow of Mount Begbie, Revelstoke BC.

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Chris & Connie thank you!