Historic Revelstoke Courthouse (1913)

The impressive structure shown here is found in a pretty-as-a-postcard mountain community out in British Columbia. The place is Revelstoke, our subject dates back to 1913 and built in the the Neoclassical style popular of the era, around the world, but not something you’d expect to find out this way. You’re looking at the Historic Revelstoke Courthouse and it was captured while out for an evening walk.

The light was right, the ambience amazing, the streets dead quiet and the place ours for the taking. It has a stately presence, unlike any other building in town (and there’s a lots of nice ones from the early days) and captivated us in its beauty. We stood there in awe. One day we’re going to have to go back and perhaps take a closer look but this night it’s all we needed.

Neoclassical buildings are meant honour ancient Greek or Roman styles and most date from the late 19th to early 20th century period. Structures in this form, however, are not terribly common out in wilds of British Columbia. This makes it all the more special and doubly so given the experience was ours alone.

From the same card dump…
Highway History (BC): the Garbage Gobbler and Big Eddy Bridge Revelstoke BC.

Short Subjects: Reports that are brief in nature. Think silly little snippets, vignettes and things of that sort. You’ll be in and out in no time.

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Date of adventure: July, 2023.
Location: Revelstoke, BC.

Historic Revelstoke Courthouse

The historic Revelstoke Courthouse, Revelstoke BC.

Revelstoke BC Courthouse

Looking gorgeous in the soft evening light, it dates back to 1913.

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