Vanguard Neonex 1700 Boler

A few factories in Canada were involved in Boler production at various times and making sense of who built what and when is sometimes a tall order. Depending on the year and/or model, they could come from plants in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta or BC. There might have been others too. Vanguard Neonex in Winfield BC on the list and manufactured the trailer seen here.

This plant mostly made thirteen foot models but for a short time about 1979-1980 also the larger seventeen footers, of which this is an example. If you’re familiar with these trailers you’ll note it’s somewhat different compared to others of that size.

It has a unique window and door treatment. On most seventeen foot models, the doors match the shape of the shell, where as here it’s flat and therefore recessed. The rear window is also smaller than most others and you can still see the indent marking the normal sized opening.

It’s not known if these were applied to all Vanguard built seventeen foot Bolers or just some. It may have been done perhaps our of necessity due to supply issues or an economic move. Both would be cheaper, but at the same time if the latter, it kind of throws off the design a tad. It’s seems out of balance.

Neonex was the parent company of Vanguard at the time, and that BC firm also built slab-sized trailers for quite a while. Neonex also had a factory in Calgary (1977-1978 model years), and it appears most seventeen foot models came for there. We know of some and even recently took one back home. Look for that post in the coming months.

The dealer sticker reads: “Swanstrom’s Vanguard RV Edmonton”. This firm didn’t exist until late in the 1980s, after Boler production ended, so that can only mean it was a used sale.

Just up the block there another discover, not a second Boler, but rather something else to pique our curiosity. Our interests are seemingly endless and now it’s time to take in a couple old land barges from the late 1960s-early 1970s period and carrying the marques of Pontiac (Gran Prix) and Buick (Skylark).

These finds all come to a random stroll in a random neighbourhood back in April 2022. A productive walk!

From the same card dump…CC Snowdon Building Calgary, Bamboo Gardens Mayland Heights and The Wilson’s Arch Building Calgary.

Boler: A small, cute-as-a-bug fibreglass camping trailer made in Canada in the 1960s to 1980s period and we make a fun game spotting them on road trips or adventures. We’ll also include similar trailers from other manufacturers that are close in appearance, construction or configuration to Bolers.

To reach out or say hello, go here: contact us!

17 Foot Boler

Spotted while out for a stroll in a Calgary neighbourhood.

Vanguard Neonex Boler

Made in Winfield BC by Neonex Vanguard Trailers.

Vanguard 1700 Boler

Vanguard’s 1700s are different than most.

1967 Skylark & 1971 Grand Prix

Old muscle just around the corner…

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