Author: Chris Doering

Hotel Brooks

An Evening in Brooks

When overnighting it on some extended adventure, we like to get to know our temporary hometown. Come evening we’ll often wander about randomly and play the curious visitor. It’s a great way to unwind and any chance to soak up a local vibe is something we love. Maybe it’s things...

Calgary Sidewalk Date Stamp

Urban Trek: Elbow Park-Mission-Beltline

This in-the-city hike will have you exploring a number of Calgary’s well established neighbourhoods. There’s many fine old homes to see, historic commercial blocks and lots of very un-city like green spaces to take in. It’s sidewalks and meandering paths, busy streets and quiet wooded parks. Along the way comes...

Retired 737-200


Aimlessly cruising in search of something to photograph, it’s a target sighted. It’s a jet, an old Boeing 737-200, parked on the apron*, a plane in plain sight, just waiting for us to come by and snap a picture or two. We’re at the south end of Calgary International, the...

Railway Grave

Railway Grave (Revisited)

WE’RE BACK! The memorial seen here belongs to a railway labourer that perished on the job over a century ago. What he died building, interestingly, has similarly gone away, the track on which he toiled pulled up and the line now abandoned. As goes the person, so goes the things...

Shelter Seventy Buck Viewpoint

Seventy Buck Viewpoint

This hike starts out well enough, but roughly mid-point takes a turn for the worse, before things improve again. The destination is a little bump in the Sibbald area of Kananaskis, with a really nice vantage point atop some cliffs open to the south. There’s rolling hills all about, precipitous...

Christ Church Millarville

Christ Church Millarville

With this post ends a special series. Seen through eyes of wonder, we take in the last of three little churches documented by the Team, belonging to Meota Parish. This one’s beautiful (they all are) and in addition is the most senior of the group. It’s been around over a...

M Lead Canadian Pacific Railway

M Lead

We like to cover subjects that some might see as odd or usual. They always ask..”you’re into…that?”…and the answer is almost always yes. It sure keeps life interesting. Today’s photo-essay demonstrates it perfectly, a look at an old disused railway line deep inside the big city. It’s true, we find...

Jura Creek Trail

Jura Creek Revisit

This is our second time hiking up Jura Creek in Kananaskis. On the first, long ago, we did the slot canyon approach, hands down the primo option in terms of fun but not always the best choice in certain conditions. This day, due to high water and the resultant slippery...

Magee Home Wolseley

Wolseley Places Part One

Join us and take in some fond memories of a glorious weekend spent in little Wolseley Saskatchewan, waaaay back in the summer of 2019. It seems so long ago. As it happens, the world got in the way and we had to move on to other projects for a time...

Creepy Abandoned Doll

Visiting with Ghosts

Visiting with Ghosts: taking in a group of abandoned buildings, homes included, that long ago comprised as town of sorts, but today stands empty and forgotten. They’re saying… ”Good luck to you both, you do amazing work.” Laura Combden. More… This is Alderson. 80 Years Empty. A Forgotten Place Called...

St George's Turner Valley Alberta

St George’s Turner Valley

Here’s a look at the second of three little country churches belonging to Meota Parish, all located a short distance from each other, a bit south of Calgary. There’s St James in Priddis, Christ Church out in the country near Millarville and this visit has us taking in St George’s...

Empty Calgary Stampede Grounds

Calgary Stampede 2020: Cancelled!

We came to photograph the Big Four Building on the Stampede Grounds for an article we’re doing on unique mid-century architecture in Calgary. Can you say zig-zag roof? That’s the focus of the planned piece, which will look at buildings done up in that style or similar in form (wavy...

El Camino Shell

El Camino Calgary: Peregrinos Once Again

On the one year anniversary of our hike taking in the legendary El Camino de Santiago Trail in Spain, we relived the experience. Sure, we did it here in Calgary this time and just for a day, but it felt as thought we were back. We donned the boots, dusted...

Abandoned Stone House SK


Back when built close to a hundred and forty years ago, they called it Loganston. Out on the lonely Saskatchewan Plains, it’s a stone house, craftsman built, elegant in design and of which we’re in awe. The effort and skill that went into it is incredible! Empty and abandoned now,...

Kenn Borek DC3

This Old DC3

How amazing, an airplane over seventy five years old that’s still in service. We’re looking at a legendary Douglas DC3, the backbone of many fledgling airlines back in the day. And they were heavily used by the military circa World War Two, as a C-47 Skytrain (or Dakota in Commonwealth...

Kananaskis Ridgeback Trail

Tom Snow/Ridgeback

With Covid restrictions easing we can start posting about hikes again. Goodness, it’s been too long and with the world upside down in turmoil, more than ever we (all of us) need the outdoors to help keep grounded. On goes the knobby shoes, it’s into the woods and instantly there’s...

Abandoned Stone House

Little Stone House on the Prairie

It’s five words seen time and again in the comments section of our website and our social media accounts when we post about an abandoned farm or ranch house: “if these walls could talk”. And it most certainly applies here. Take in this little stone house, abandoned on the remote...

Prairie Swimming Pool

Prairie Swimming Pool

We’re in one of the more sparsely populated areas of Alberta and even for us, people used to being alone, it feels isolated and remote. There’s not a soul about. So what’s located here? Let’s see…there’s the boundless plains, a single occupied dwelling, a few trees, the only ones for...

St James Church Priddis AB

St James Priddis

Almost a year ago we were given the opportunity to visit three little churches south of Calgary all connected to the same group. Just a short distance away from a million plus folks, each is hidden away in a pleasant small town or rural setting that feels far removed from...

Abandoned Cabinet TV

Abandoned Places: The Bishop House

This unending search for abandoned places has us visiting the Bishop House, well hidden away and in surprisingly good condition given the last residents lived in decades ago. It’s mostly empty inside and while the paint’s peeling and plaster falling away in places, it’s easy to imagine that with a...

Grain Elevator Big Valley AB

Big Valley Roundhouse

Had they not been made of concrete, we suspect these remains would otherwise be long gone and the place but a distant memory. Here it’s massive walls and foundations, a monument to the past, when the railway was the driving force of the economy and stream locomotives were king. In...

Ogilvie Medicine Hat

Medicine Hat Then & Now – Ogilvie’s

It’s freakin’ huge! We’re standing on the lip of a valley overlooking this towering structure, just a block or two distant, and its highest point is eye level with us. Wow! Imagine all the concrete and steel that went into it, back when, and one can’t help be impressed. What...

Ghost Town SK

Backroads Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan has us enamoured. With much history to explore and friendly folks, it’s a place to catch one’s breath, feel at home and revel in its sheer (and sometimes stark) beauty. There’s broad fields of gold, a charming street in some little village or stand there and stare at an...

Nordegg Grave Yard

Nordegg Memorial Cemetery

They immigrated from all over Europe to work in Canada’s coal mines, something demonstrated by taking in the cemetery in Nordegg Alberta. The varied names found here reflect the numerous countries from which long ago they came – Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Poland and more. When calls a new life...

Old Clothes Line

Clothes Line

Here’s a silly post that required but a few minutes of time. Where as usually we work hard for the subjects we present, here we get to coast. All we had to do is head out to the side of our palatial mansion, look up and snap a photo. Then...

1970s Pontiac Acadian

Random Pick: Miracle Acadian

It’s proof positive miracles happen! For your consideration, it’s a forty some year old Pontiac Acadian still on the road. Come on…really? These little econo-boxes were never meant to last this long. Offered in two or four door hatchback body styles, this “T-Platform” car (Chevrolet had a version too) was...

Alderson Alberta Cemetery

This is Alderson

It’s been wiped off the face of the earth. Where once there was hope and promise, now it’s little more than an empty field. If not for close inspection it’d be easy to miss, but underfoot are subtle reminders of what was. Here’s a row of cellar-pits where buildings once...

Wolseley Saskatchewan Town Hall

Wolseley SK Then & Now: Town Hall

This post takes us back to last summer with the Team visiting Wolseley Saskatchewan. Always on the search for fun and adventure we soak up all this picturesque town has to offer. There’s old buildings by the score, many of stone(!), lots open to us (! again), charming tree lined...

Drumheller AB Boler Camper

Back Alley Boler

Here’s proof positive our “LFT – Little Fibreglass Trailer” spotting skills are presently on point and that’s in spite of everything else working less and less well as we age. The Boleradar is strong at Here’s one well hidden at the far end of some alley, in the community...

Old West Movie Set

Random Pick: The Old West

Here’s a photo that got misfiled somehow and so lost for a few years. It’s the first we remember seeing it…and we shot it…and even gave the Lightroom treatment! Damn this getting older sucks. Anyway, we liked it and thought you would as well. If it looks like a scene...

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