Author: Chris Doering

Fairacres School


Buildings like it were everywhere in rural districts across the province in the first half of the twentieth century – there were thousands of them! A person need only travel a short distance back then, down some random backroad, to see one. Where there was a group of farms, one...

Railway Cars Shaunvon SK

Wandering Shaunavon

We love to walk the streets of a small town. There’s so much to discover on getting close and intimate with a place and we get to see all the cool stuff that would otherwise be missed if we simply drove by. Getting out and exploring on foot is what...

NARCOA Speeder Trip

Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part Two

On the first day we “rode the rails” from Climax Saskatchewan to Shaunavon. What an amazing time touring this part of the province in a little railway speeder. After all these months there’s still an afterglow. So we jump to day two, our itinerary taking us from Shaunavon to the...

Deerfoot Trail Pedestrian Bridge

Nose Creek Pathway – Mayland Heights

We love a good hike. It matters not if we’re deep in the wilderness or in an urban setting, as long as we’re in motion and having fun. We’re so darn easy to please. Today’s outing finds us kicking about town – there’s just too much snow in the mountains...

Calgary Alberta Boler Trailer

See it?

As it sometimes happens we stumble across a random Boler Trailer parked in or around someone’s property when out for a stroll. There’s a fair number of them here in Calgary – dozens and dozens that we know of, and many more, no doubt, we’ve yet to be introduced to....

Colonel Walker School

Roam at Night

This is becoming a tradition it seems. Simply, we wander a part of town after dark and practise our low light photography skills. It’s not so much about the subject at this point but the technical aspects, including getting a good and shape image which was the one big problem...

Unity SK Grain Elevator

Unity Saskatchewan then & now

Flashback, September 2017! We’re in Eastern Saskatchewan, in the town of Unity (no, the “community of Unity”), a copy of a vintage postcard in hand. We’re here to shoot a trademark then and now and that old picture is the fodder. The subject of our attention, what’s seen in...

1960s Architecture Calgary

Hyperbolic Paraboloid

The late 1950s/early 1960s era was witness to some interesting architecture, in particular for commercial and business use. Sure there was the plain old shoe box design philosophy that’s always been there and dominated the scene, square and unimaginative, and cheap to build. But for those who dreamed it got...

North American Railcar Operators Association

Riding the Rails in SW Saskatchewan – Part One

A message arrives in our inbox. What’s this? An invite? “Want to join us on a speeder trip?” Whoaaa, a speeder trip? Adventure on the rails? With not a second of hesitation…YES Please! And with that plans are made. It’s spring 2017, the trip to take place later that summer....

Forgotten Cemetery Alberta Badlands

Badlands Cemetery

Standing on the very edge of the Alberta Badlands, peer down and be awestruck on seeing the scenic valley below. There’s the car way over there by the river. Hello, we just came from there. All that layered strata. Next spin around and it’s endless fields of golden grain waving...

Calgary Alberta Surfside Trailer

It’s a Surfside

We walk. A lot. Our neighbourhood’s a good-sized one, and sometimes we just step out, point ourselves in some random direction and start exploring (it makes the day better). Even after all these years, there’s still a fair number of streets we’ve never been down. And what happens when you...

North West Terminal Unity Locomotive

A Brief Stop in Unity

As is often the case when out on the road heading to an assignment, we see something interesting and have to stop. And that’s what happened this day, even if it was only brief. So here, in the “sprawling metropolis” of Unity Saskatchewan, a couple large industries, one a grain...

Inglewood Refinery

Roam at Night

Another instalment in the “Roam at Night” Series. Here, it’s not about the subject and composition so much, but rather practicing the technical aspects of night photography. You know, getting the exposure right and the challenges of focusing in those conditions, and keeping noise to a minimum. Later we can...

1950s 350 Peterbilt

Kelts’ Collection

A message arrives. Come view some trucks it says…we have some old big rigs. That has our attention. Now to make it happen. It’s not anywhere close to us, but as we always manage to do, we’ll find away. It might just take some time. And so the months pass...

Calgary Hillhurst Community

Calgary’s Best Walks #14 (sorta)

A number of factors, nagging injuries being one, have kept us in the city for some time now. Still, we get out and have fun. It really doesn’t take much to amuse us and we find adventure where ever we are. Lately, for the hiking end of things, we’ve been...

Green Door Ranch

Green Door Ranch

The road in is rough, more a cart track than anything. Bouncing along for many kilometres there’s nothing as far as the eye can see. Then come to the edge and look down. Way down. Drop into a valley, the track steep, narrow and precipitous. It’s something very logging road...

Red House Restaurant Calgary

Roam at Night

Another instalment where Chris & Connie train to be better night photographers and share the results with you. Low light shooting is an area we have much interest in, but struggle with. The big problem, which we’re not the least bit ashamed to admit (outside the fact that meds don’t...

Miner's Cottage Interior

The Humble Miner’s Cottage

What you see in this post has changed since we documented it last fall. The subject, an old house sealed up for decades, has been cleared of possessions which have been put in safe storage. Next any issues with the building will be tackled, with eventual plans that everything be...

1960 Cadillac Calgary

Calgary Boler

We only need explore our own neighbourhood to find Boler trailers. There’s a couple we know of, one of which even shows up on our very street a couple times each summer. They come to us! And from time to time, while out for a walk, we find new ones....

Midfield Trailer Park Calgary

Midfield Park Massacre

We didn’t come up with the title of this post, someone at Midfield Park did. We borrowed it. Here, we’ll be peering over a security fence to a look at a huge empty lot, a former “mobile home” community with a population once counted in the hundreds. They’ve all moved...

El Coyote Bar Nacmine

El Coyote

The small town watering hole, often housed in an old hotel (and not always providing accommodations), a place for locals and passers-through alike to partake in libations and socialize. Near every community across the country, no matter the size, had one. Or so it seemed. But we’re losing them, fast,...

Sell Your Soul Crossroads

St Norbert’s

The Team has documented our fair share of churches, every last one of them special and beautiful to us in their own unique way. As subjects go, they’re one of our most favourite and we get giddy photographing and writing about them. The one seen today, even among all the...

Calgary Downtown

Calgary’s Best Walks #20 (sorta)

We bought the book “Calgary’s Best Walks” by Lori Beattie. Love it. If you’re into urban trekking, it’s a recommended addition to your library too. It’s BIGDoer approved! Like that means something. Chuckle…so, inside the covers are a multitude of possible routes covering all quadrants of the city. For one... Shop

When was the last time you saw an independent computer shop? Bet it’s been a while. There used to be lots of them, busy places all, with seemingly one on every corner, but mostly they’ve gone the way of the dinosaur. It’s one tough racket and even the big chains...

Cessford Stone House

GTC 2017

The past four or five years now a group of friends get together and explore. This merry band whose domain is dusty backroads, spend some summer weekend in some corner of Alberta (sometimes venturing into Saskatchewan too) in search of abandoned and forgotten stuff. Lots of cool things are seen...

Gambrel Roof Farm House

The Bee House

Screaming down some back road, we come over a rise, and there off in the distance, we see an abandoned farm house. Looks pretty darn interesting. Looking over to Connie…”yeah?” “Oh yeah!” Stopping in a cloud of dust, we fire up the Internet (a vehicle hot spot is such a...

Boler-Like Trailer

Been Stumped

There we were enjoying ourselves, wandering about Nelson BC in the summer of 2016, and we find this. It’s a little fibreglass trailer, something Boler-like for sure, but what make is it? Thought is might be a Beachcomber, but no…a Trillium Jubilee, no again (both are pretty uncommon models). Scan...

Edmonton Trail Calgary

Urban Trek – Edmonton Trail

Here’s a fine city trek, a loop of sorts taking in the entire length of Edmonton Trail in Calgary’s (shallow) Northeast and on the return leg quieter residential streets off to the east. It’s like going back in time, the closer one gets to downtown, the older things become. There’s...

Stone House Sylvan Lake

Sylvan Lake Stone House

Sometimes it takes us a while to get to things. Too much to do, not enough time, not nearly enough us. Anyway, here’s one from waaaaay back in late 2016. Yikes! We’re on the road and find ourselves passing through Sylvan Lake Alberta, a modest sized community west of the...

Railway Telegraph Line

Telegraph Lines

There used to be a vast network of railway owned telegraph lines spanning the country. Where the tracks went, so went the poles and the wires. This early incarnation of the information superhighway stood alongside the rights-of-way and were a familiar scene to people back when. Look at any old...

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