Category: Boler!

Ventura Camping Trailer

Teenie-Weenie Ventura

There were countless manufacturers of small fibreglass trailers in the 1970s and 1980s, the golden age for these types of campers. Of course we all know about Bolers, one of the most common of the era, and Trilliums, which are still made today. But there were a huge number of...

Calgary Alberta Boler

Calgary Boler

Seems we haven’t been feeding our Boler obsession as we should. Sure, we’re still out there capturing photos of them, but we’ve been super lax in posting. For example the image used in this article…it’s from late 2015! Well, we have been crazy-crazy busy and these seem to fall by...

Inglewood Calgary Boler

Inglewood Boler

Just randomly walking about town it’s almost guaranteed one will happen upon a Boler or two. The alleys, back yards and driveways of Calgary seem chock full of them (it makes sense since some were made here). In particular, they’re a strangely common in certain neighbourhoods, usually older ones, for...

Seventeen Foot Boler

Lethbridge Boler

As the game is played more, a person’s Boler spotting skills generally become better honed. A trailer need not be out in the open and can be hidden in behind something, lost in the clutter, partially out of view and a hit is still well within the realm of possibility....

Boler in Lethbridge Alberta

Lethbridge Boler

No matter where we are, no matter the weather, no matter anything, we take a hour or two out for a stroll. Putting foot to pavement is good for the mind, good for the soul, good for the body and in doing it, the day’s problem’s just seem to melt...

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