Calgary has an extensive pathway system and this urban trek makes use of the section running alongside the Elbow River. The adventure begins at the Glenmore Dam, winds its way north and heads into the community of Mission on the edge of downtown. The river is always in view or...
This icy cold day we visited Fish Creek Park in Calgary for a little hike. Keeping chill thanks to mother nature! We’ve come prepared, but still, it’s no picnic…wait it was a picnic. These low temps meant we had the place pretty much to ourselves and while usually busy, it’s...
This short in-town walk begins in downtown Turner Valley (now part of Diamond Valley, a little south of Calgary) and heads up to a bluff atop “Snob Hill”. From up there you get a good view of the town’s historic gas plant. This walk is a pleasant diversion when you...
McKinnon Flats is a recreational area down by the Bow River and a little southeast of Calgary. More than anything it’s a launching point for personal watercraft, but there’s trails to walk or bike as well. Nice place for a picnic too, or to take in nature. The access road...
Here’s a nice in-town loop hike that’s easy and offers up lots of variety. There’s parkland and natural woods where you’ll forgot you’re in the city. Underfoot it’s paved pathways and dirt singletrack. This is the Bowness and Baker Parks Loop, which also includes a foray into Wood’s Douglas Fir...
Here’s a nice hike on a wooded hillside overlooking the west end of Calgary. You’d see lots of urbanity if not for the trees, but every once in a while, they do thin and this allows a look out. Here’s a loop hike on Paskapoo Slopes and it starts from...
This one’s nothing complicated and a relaxed stroll in the forest. It happens in the extensive West Bragg Creek trail network, in the foothills of the Rockies and just a little west of Calgary. Sometimes an easy going and easy access adventure is all you need. Let’s explore Moose Loop,...
There are four Picklejar Lakes, each lovely in its own unique way and all nestled in an amazingly picturesque cirque. They’re a popular destination for both hikers and anglers, and getting there is a relatively easy task. The trail up, for the most part, has a moderate grade and is...
Hiking the Bustall Pass trail should be on everyone’s bucket list and the scenery is so amazing that it’s difficult to describe. We’ve done it multiple times and it’s always mind blowing. Winter or summer, it’s just as awesome. There’s little wonder that it rates as one the best must-do...
Today we’re hiking at Glenbow Ranch Park and it’s just a short distance from the big city. West of Calgary’s, just off the 1A and towards the Bow River. There’s a good number of hiking trails here where one can get away from it all and without having to go...
Bow River Loop SE Calgary: it’s an in-city hike but doesn’t always feel it. The route described here passes through parks, green spaces and natural areas, so it insulates one from all the urban nonsense. The city is all around, but here it’s a place of cottonwoods and grasslands, instead...
This in-town walk along the Canmore Pathways system offers lots of variety and enjoyment. Along the way, there’s parks, green spaces, mountain views, riverside fun, a boardwalk to play on and lots of nature. For those big into history, parts of an old railway line, now incorporated into the trail,...
This hike takes place in the West Bragg Creek trail network, convenient to Calgary and accessible all year round. They’re an easy choice for the short days of winter and we put the trails here to use to keep in shape awaiting spring and more ambitious adventurers further afield. This...
Calgary’s Nose Hill Park is a vast urban green space, one of the biggest in the country as it turns out, and this hike sort of a best of tour. There’s natural grasslands, aspen groves, sweeping views and many hidden things to discover. The old wrecked car, a glacial erratic,...
The route described here, the Baldy Pass to Lusk Pass Loop, is an enjoyable outing in the forest and offers up some nice views. This area has been harvested of trees over the years and as such there’s many open places where one can look out to beautiful wooded hills...
It’s time for a little fun on the Lethbridge Pathways system! On the route shared today, you’ll be under the cottonwoods, down by the the Oldman River and always in the shadow of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s towering Viaduct (aka the High Level Bridge). There’s wooded groves, open green spaces,...
Coming Soon (part two): more amazing places the Team has visited and will be posting about in the coming year. As always, it’s a varied menu of subjects, to keep things interesting, and here’s the list. There’s mining remains, lost cemeteries, roadside memories, something “super”, mountain adventures, things the railway...
Coming Soon (1st installment): presenting places we’ve explored the last little while and the posts that will come from these incredible adventures. We’re talking a wild assortment and we’re sure you’ll enjoy every single one as much as we did documenting them. We simply love what we do, and beyond...
This easy and enjoyable hike happens not terribly far from Calgary in the West Bragg Creek trail network. Via a loop and making use of several interconnecting trails it takes in the goal of lowly Boundary Ridge. It’s a bump that barely rises above the surrounding countryside, but is still...
In spite of their close proximity to many places we frequent, we’ve seldom explored the Porcupine Hills in Southern Alberta. They’re always within sight when driving major highways in the area yet to us remain mostly a mystery. There’s scattered history in those hills, that we know, and many hiking...
Depending on the write up you might see it called Sunrise Hill, Rainy Summit Overlook or maybe both will be used (like here). It’s an outlier of long Powderface Ridge and can be reached in one of two ways. The first is via a side-path off the popular and aptly...
We’re in Three Hills Alberta doing a research project and have a few hours to spare after finishing early. What to do…what shall we do…? How about a little walk about and let’s get to know the community a little better. Sounds like a plan but given it was a...
This hike to Myrtle Mountain, in the Kimberley Nature Park Trail Network (Kimberley British Columbia), visits a number of superb viewpoints. Look out over town, the broad Rocky Mountain Trench and up the St Mary’s River Valley – it’s all wonderful scenery. It’s a fair sized loop with a bit...
The Bee Line Cranbrook BC is a fun, albeit relatively short hike, in loop form, and goes up and over a low hill just outside town. It’s in the Community Forest Network and if you want to do more afterwards, there’s an endless number of connecting trails to help round...
This adventure happens in front ranges of Kananaskis, out in the Highwood River area and for a modest effort comes a nice reward. Be in awe of that mountain scenery! Following a trail up Pack Trail Coulee, one tops out at Grass Pass, then it’s on to Fir Creek Point...
Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park is a wonderful natural area between Calgary and Cochrane. There on the north side of the Bow River, it’s a huge playground for outdoorsy types, with lots of rolling hills, grasslands and the odd wooded grove. Despite being close to the city, it’s easy to imagine...
Here’s the last hike of the winter season for us, although the route documented can be enjoyed any time of the year. Things are warming up (finally) and this shoulder season is a quiet time for the West Bragg Creek Trail system. Presenting a pleasant little loop in the woods...
Presenting another in-town Calgary Pathways adventure. The route described presently takes one from Montgomery to Bowness (and back) while exploring green spaces, wetlands and escarpments. Paralleling the Bow River it visits Bowmont, Baker and Bowness Parks on pavement or gravel track. While the city is often in view, it feels...
It happens in Edgemont Ravine, Northwest Calgary, and the hike presented here a nice easy one through park and natural green spaces. You might be deep in the city but it often feels far removed from the usual hustle and bustle. Stop and breathe. To extend the fun one can...
West Bragg Creek Snowy Owl: for the most part it takes place along the aforementioned trail, in an extensive network of trails convenient to and just a little west of Calgary. The location is the foothills of the Rockies and the loop presented here makes for a pleasant winter’s walk...
We've arrived! The Beer Parlour Project is at the Clive Hotel, Clive Alberta chatting with locals, learning some history and snapping some photos. Stay tuned!
We were staying in town & caught a dramatic sunrise the morning after our shoot. Rob, & his old fashioned view camera are seen prepping to take the photo of "mayor" Bryce. Sadly, the hotel closed a couple weeks after our visit & has been for sale since.
This is a stark reminder of the importance of documenting these old hotels, before they're all gone. We're out this weekend visiting some (Acme Inn, Acme AB & Clive Hotel, Clive, AB) & we'll be following that up with a trip to Saskatchewan soon after. Stay tuned.
Beer Parlour Project Friday: A chapter ends at the Fife Lake Hotel, Fife Lake Saskatchewan. Lawson, who has been running the place for 50 years is retiring this month & joining him is partner Gail, who has a paltry 48 years under her belt.
Lawson and Gail would like to send out a huge thank you for the support and friendships over the last 50 years! This year for Telemiracle they beat their all time record and raised $30,847.10! Big thank you to all the auctioneers, spotters, bookkeepers and everyone who donated and came out and purchased items! We appreciate every single one of you!
Beer Parlour Project Friday: Now that Rob's leg is a bit better, we're back on the road & will be out this weekend.
Later today (March 14th), we'll be at the Acme Inn, in Acme Alberta & the following day (March 15th), at the Prairie Fire Lounge at the Clive Hotel, Clive Alberta. We'll get to know the place, explore the buildings, dig up some history & chat with owners & patrons. Rob's bringing his big view camera & taking portraits, & Chris is conducting interviews.
If you're local & have any stories to share about these hotels, please reach out to arrange a time to talk. Or just drop by. We'll be at both from about 3pm on.
The Beer Parlour Project is an unbridled passion to document old time hotel taverns, the buildings, the history, & the people that frequent these fast disappearing institutions. _______
Beer Parlour Project Friday: We're back to posting and present the grand Imperial Hunter Hotel in Bassano Alberta.
It's seen here on a quiet evening during Covid & while open, nothing much was going on. This was a pre-scout for the Beer Parlour Project ( ) & you know once we're due back in the area, we'll stop by to chat with them.
The Hart/Crandell House 109 years apart! (1915 & 2024). Exploring history with Chris & Connie from Off the Beaten Path.
Members of the 103rd Regiment Calgary Rifles are shown in the old photo. The structure dates to 1905 & Edward Crandell, who owned it at the time of the Then image, was a prominent city alderman. In the early 1920s the house served as care facility for children made orphans due to World War One.
It's most famously connected to the Hart wrestling dynasty (1951-2004). A mecca for fans, the "The Dungeon" there in the basement is legendary. That's where new wrestlers were trained (so pummeled into submission if you ask any) or veterans honed their skills.
What we wouldn't do to find a hundred volunteer military guys & redo the comparison again. The grade of the property has changed so duplicating it exactly was not possible from the public road, but it's close.
Be sure to cheer on the Team & make some noise in the comments! We couldn't continue without your encouragement. Then photo credit: University of Calgary. _______
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