Category: Short Subjects

Grand Trunk Pacific Calgary

Grand Trunk Pacific in Calgary

The berms seen in these photos are some of the last remnants of the former Grand Trunk Pacific Railway line into downtown Calgary. Built in the early 1910s, the track came from Northern Alberta (near Edmonton), entered the city in the east, before bending northwards and paralleling the Bow River....

Cabin in the Woods

Cabin in the Woods (Crowsnest Pass)

There’s not much left of this tumbled down old cabin in the woods. The location is the Crownest Pass of Alberta and it’s not too far from the British Columbia border. Found along an old pack trail, the structure is seemingly connected to a small coal mine on the same...

Bonanza Restaurant Moose Jaw SK

Bonanza Steakhouse Moose Jaw SK (2014)

Flashback to 2014 and we’re exploring out near Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. Ahead and to the left…a childhood memory…a Bonanza Steakhouse? Steakhouse? That’s a stretch. It’s been at least twenty years since we’ve seen one and we thought them extinct in Canada. Remember: you’d pair a shoe-leather slice of Chuck and...

Hodgeville Airport

Hodgeville Saskatchewan Community Airport

Many towns across the prairies once had small community airports but the numbers are thinning. Included in the tally is the one in Hodgeville Saskatchewan, the remains of which include a road sign, a concrete foundation and one standing structure. The latter was presumably the office and control centre (the...

Chinese Laundry Ft Macleod

Chinese Laundry Fort Macleod AB (2014)

The building seen here dates back to the mid-1890s (one report says about a decade later) and on this visit in 2014, looked every bit its age. It must have been in the running as the one of the oldest buildings in the community, yet rather hidden away from the...

Southern Ranchman's Manyberries AB

Beer Stop: Southern Ranchman’s Manyberries

This history exploring gig can be demanding and tiring work. There’s the endless road, it just goes on and on and on; there’s the walking and climbing, the jumping of fences, dust by the dumptruck load, all manner of dangers to think about, bugs and heat, and wind and rain....

Coke Store Sign

Black & White Grocery (Ramsay) in B&W

In the days before 7-11s and Circle Ks (or earlier Mac’s), you might shop for convenience goods at local mom and pop corner store located right in your own neighbourhood. They were everywhere and a place to pick up a jug or loaf on the way home from work. The...

Random Pick BIGDoer

Random Pick: Wandering the Badlands 2005

Presenting another random pick from our huge library of photos and once again we’ve cheated the devil. There’s nothing embarrassing, damning or incriminating here. There’s a surprising number of photos in our collection that fall into one or more of those categories, so it’s bound to happen. Just not today....

GMC Motorhome

Gorgeous 1970s GMC Motorhome

It’s no secret we’re vintage RV obsessed. Original or restored, something pulled or driven and no matter the make, we’re interested. Of course, its Bolers and their little fibreglass trailer brethren that seem to occupy our thoughts the most, but anything of the type will do. Here’s a nice GMC...

Sunset in Vulcan Alberta

Sunset in Vulcan Alberta

The scene presented in this post was captured on the road home and the timing attributed to dumb luck. Burning down the highway – hard left into town, hard right along the tracks, and something magic unfolds. There’s the Pioneer grain elevator, there’s a passing train and the sun, a...

Edberg Alberta General Store

All Quiet in Edberg Alberta

There’s not much going on in downtown Edberg Alberta these days, but it wasn’t always the case. If one were stand where we did, but many, many decades removed, what a different scene it’d be. Let’s go back to when the town was founded over a century ago, or during...

Mayook BC One Room School

Mayook BC One Room School

It’s a random backroad find, unexpected but hardly unwelcome. It’s a former one room school in Mayook BC (a bit south of Cranbrook) and it’s gorgeous. The building came here from somewhere else in the late 1910s although the exact original location make no mention. “…Mayook School was moved from...

Camrest Motel Camrose

Camrest Motel: In the Heart of Rose City

Welcome to the Camrest Motel, Camrose Alberta and please enjoy your stay. It’s a budget friendly kind of place, down by the tracks, in the old part of town and a little run down. You know, it’s the digs you might find us staying at when on the road and...

Mine Rails Reused

Makeshift-a-Palooza: Mine Rails Reused

When money’s tight necessity spawns creative solutions. No one was more dirt poor than the lowly coal miner of old and when something was needed, they upcycled, recycled or salvaged something and made due. Or you did without and those are the only options. Here’s a simple and straight to...

Historic Revelstoke Courthouse

Historic Revelstoke Courthouse (1913)

The impressive structure shown here is found in a pretty-as-a-postcard mountain community out in British Columbia. The place is Revelstoke, our subject dates back to 1913 and built in the the Neoclassical style popular of the era, around the world, but not something you’d expect to find out this way....

Mount Begbie Revelstoke

In the Shadow of Mount Begbie

It happened last summer and memories of this amazing adventure filled journey remain fresh. Imagine a week of epic fun, times a million, spent camping out and playing in the Shadow of Mount Begbie in Revelstoke British Columbia. We hiked, we explored, we searched out history, abandoned things too, we...

Calgary Christian Assembly

Two Buildings in Inglewood

Two Buildings in Inglewood: one photographed solely because of its a gaudy pink colour (doing Barbie proud) and the second recalled from childhood memories. These were captured while walking about one of Calgary’s older areas and the former’s a church and the other a home, but in the past also...

Canal Flats BC Mill

Random Pick (x3): Magnesium Chloride

The random pick subject today is…Magnesium Chloride. What the? Where do we start? First, these photos were never really meant to be shared, but taken just for us, then by chance were picked for this silly series. We literally close our eyes, select an image (or three) from our collection...

Jellyfish of Comox Harbour

Jellyfish of Comox Harbour

Jellyfish of Comox Harbour: wasting away the day wandering the marina and in search of interesting things to photograph. There’s personal craft, fishing boats and these are the reason for our visit, but one can’t help be mesmerized by the large number of odd translucent creatures floating about. They’re a...

A Thing for Trains

Random Pick: A Thing for Trains (II)

Sometimes we’ll just watch trains and if any show up that’s great and if there’s none that’s fine too. We’ll pick a spot somewhere within sight of the tracks, camera in hand, drop a blanket, bring a book, and perhaps a little snack. Then we wait. Sometime the efforts are...

Tranquille BC Sanatorium

Random Post: Tranquille BC Sanatorium

Tranquille BC Sanatorium near Kamloops: opened in 1907 to treat tuberculosis, closed as a mental health facility about 75 years later, mostly empty ever since and said to be haunted. It’s on private land and in talking with an employee(?) of the agricultural firm working on the property, the entire...

Kaslo Hotel Kaslo BC

Kaslo Hotel Kaslo British Columbia

We’ve driven through beautiful Kaslo British Columbia countless times but any stops made in the community have always been brief in nature. It’s odd, because it has all the traits of a place we’d really like to get to know, yet here we are. There’s so much history and it’s...

End of Track

Random Pick: End of Track

Random Pick: It’s just as the title suggests and we simply close our eyes, select a previously unpublished photo and post it here. Be it good or bad, profound or embarrassing cringe. So far it’s been pretty decent stuff, but one day it’ll be awful and we just know it....

Take an Alberta Break Grain Hoppers

Take an Alberta Break Grain Cars

These Alberta Government grain cars have been roaming the rails for forty+ years and approaching retirement, but a select number have found a new home on the Battle River Railway. While looking worn out, and graffiti covered, they’re still serviceable and help alleviate car shortages on the line. That they’re...

Meadow Creek BC Billy Clark's Cabin

Meadow Creek BC Billy Clark’s Cabin

Meadow Creek BC: stopping in a small town museum while on a backroad adventure in the remote Lardeau region. It was early May and the place had yet to open for the season, but we could still wander the property to view outside exhibits. That’s a good start and we’re...

Small Town Mini-Storage

Small Town Mini-Storage (It’s Secure!)

This former mobile home (or maybe it’s a retired construction/oilfield bunkhouse) might not seem like the most secure building for such a purpose, yet it didn’t stop a certain entrepreneur in this prairie community. Presenting small town mini-storage, satisfying a need with an economical and gloriously makeshift solution. These “relocatable...

Main and Railway or 50th and 50th

Main and Railway or 50th and 50th?

Main and Railway or 50th and 50th? In most Alberta communities one or the other usually marked the most important intersection there in downtown. Or what was the most important – things change but names remain. In some communities it was one then the other (almost always the former to...

Jack's Shoe Store

Closed: Jack’s Shoe Store

We’re looking at Jack’s Shoe Store, in business as long as anyone can remember but now just another shuttered store in another small prairie town. It’s a trend common out in rural parts and one by one they close and the local economic base shrinks yet again. Rinse and repeat....

Beachwood Estates High River AB

Beachwood Estates High River Postscript

In this piece we’re revisiting Beachwood Estates High River Alberta, a once thriving community built in a flood zone. A known flood zone – anyone find that funny? Then guess what, the river flooded – the watercourse does have High in its title after all. This happened in 2013, and...

Misty Mountains Kananaskis

Random Pick: The Misty Mountains

Here’s another photo from our archives picked completely at random and presented here in all its glory. We close our eyes, point and pray what ever is chosen is worth seeing. So far it’s worked. It has be previously unpublished, but otherwise all images, good, bad or even cringe-worthy, are...

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