Category: Then And Now

Calgary Transit Ogden Road

Ogden Road Calgary 1950 & 2016

Presenting two photos captured some sixty sixty years apart and from the same location in Calgary. Each shows a passing Calgary Transit vehicle, and while the modes of transport seen in the comparison have changed, there’s an otherwise timeless quality to the scene. The location is the community of Ogden,...

Empress AB Alberta Saskatchewan Border

Empress Alberta at the 4th Meridian

The images used in this comparison were captured less than two decades apart and in all frankness, they don’t show much change. Except that the railway is history. The location is Empress Alberta and we’re right on the 4th Meridian at the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. There’s the old railway line that...

George's Grocery Lethbridge Alberta

Berte George’s William’s Grocery Lethbridge

The building seen in today’s post is located in Lethbridge Alberta and in the neighbourhood of Staffordville. It was a grocery store for much of its history, with numerous owners over the years, but it’s now a home. We’ve come armed with an old photo showing it in 1980 and...

Calgary Erlton

Crossley Slides: A Corner in Erlton

Presenting two comparison photos of the same intersection in Calgary, but shot sixty-three years apart. The dates are 1961 and 2024. There’s been plenty of change, but would anyone expect anything less in a city with such explosive growth? New replaces old and it’s a brutally swift process. Today’s Then...

Train Depot Moose Jaw SK

Moose Jaw SK Train Station (~90 Yrs Apart)

Roughly ninety years separates the two images seen in this then and now post. Today we’re looking at the former Canadian Pacific Railway station in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan, seen first in a vintage postcard and then how it appeared in 2014. This fine old structure looks as good today as...

Dominion Bridge Calgary Ramsay

Dominion Bridge Calgary (Ramsay) ca1960-2014

In this Then and Now attention is focused on the old Dominion Bridge Factory in the Calgary neighbourhood of Ramsay. The first photo is undated but we believe it’s from 1960 (we’ll explain) and ours is from 2014. There’s many buildings in the complex but in the photos only one...

Beiseker AB Train Station

Main Street Beiseker Alberta 110 Years Apart

The only connection between the old and new photos is the the train station way back there in the distance. Otherwise, all the other buildings in that earlier view are gone. Still the town, Beiseker Alberta (a little NE of Calgary) has that same feel to it, even if things...

Carbon Alberta Railway

Carbon Alberta 1946, 1992 & 2024

Let’s focus attention on the little community of Carbon Alberta and more specifically, the town’s grain elevator row. Down there by the tracks, or in the present context where they and those structures used to be. Those prairie sentinels, the train station, the railway itself and the section house far...

Saskatchewan Centennial Maple Leaf

Robsart Saskatchewan 61 Years Apart

The tiny-dot-on-the-map community of Robsart Saskatchewan goes back just over one hundred and ten years, had an early but brief foray with success, and today is a shadow of its former self. It’s home to many more ghosts than people and this made quite evident by simply wandering its empty...

BIGDoer Then & Now

A Corner in North Glenmore ~50 Years Apart

The two photos that make up this Then & Now were shot from the same position, but at least fifty years apart. It’s repeated here all too often, but it’s a great thrill to stand where an old photo was captured, and take one that’s similar. Call it weird. In...

Legends of the Fall Locations

Legends of the Fall (1994) Family Cemetery

Flashback to 2014! It’s a glorious Alberta day and our goal is to find and photograph a special location from the 1994 film Legends of the Fall. Target: the Ludlow Family Cemetery. There’s no roads to guide the way and only faint cart tracks or cow paths through the grass...

Okotoks Alberta Train Station

Silver Streak 1976 Train Station Okotoks AB

Numerous scenes in the 1976 movie Silver Streak were filmed in and around Southern Alberta. Interestingly, they all play US locations. As you might guess, we searched out these spots, many years back in fact, and used them for a number of now outdated Then & Now posts. Those ones...

Blairmore AB Greenhill Hotel

The Greenhill Hotel Blairmore AB is Timeless

The Greenhill Hotel has been a prominent landmark in Blairmore Alberta for just over a century now. This structure, distinctive with its columns and barn-like gambrel roof, is quite a standout. It’s located between the road and railway tracks and noticeable not only by its design but by location. You...


Superman 1978: Cemetery Scenes

The quest: search out locations in Alberta used in making the blockbuster movie Superman 1978 for a series of Then & Now posts. Or rather a do-over of Then & Now posts. The Team did a good number on this very subject far in the past but it’s time for...

Corral 4 Drive-In Calgary

You Are Here: Corral 4 Drive-in Calgary

You are here: standing at the Corral 4 Drive-in Theatre in Calgary and looking down the entryway. Screens one, two, three or four? You pick’em. Imagine this same view but many decades ago and on a summer Saturday night. The cars, the chaos, the anticipation, the noise, the smell of...

Coleman Alberta

Downtown Coleman Alberta 100 Years Apart

We like a good round number and this Then & Now spans one full century. Not ninety one, not ninety seven, but one hundred years exactly separates the two images seen. The original was shot in spring and ours on the morning of the very last day of 2023, but...

Calgary Downtown

Downtown Calgary & CPR Tracks 1977-2014

In this post we’re in the shadow of downtown Calgary and at a location appearing in an old photo sent to the Team many years ago. We’re alongside the Canadian Pacific Railway’s east/west mainline and back in 2014 duplicated that shot from 1977. It’s presented below and what a difference...

Algoma Steel Bridge 1911

MacDonald Bridge Calgary ~70 Years Apart

Close to seventy years separates the images used in this Then & Now. The theme, one of our favourites and by the numbers equally a hit with our readers, is Calgary Transit or public transit in general. The location is the historic century plus old MacDonald Bridge (or MacDonald...

Illecillewaet Pedestrian Bridge

CPR Illecillewaet Bridge Revelstoke BC

A hundred and twenty years, approximately, separates the two images used in this Then & Now. In the original we’re looking at the Canadian Pacific Railway’s Illecillewaet Bridge in Revelstoke British Columbia and in the second the Mark Kingsbury Memorial Bridge occupies that same spot today. The latter is for...

Victory Block Inglewood Calgary

Calgary Inglewood Haskins/Victory Block

Presenting two photos of the same building, but captured many, many years apart. The location is Calgary’s historic Inglewood community and our attention is focused on the the Victory Block (former Haskins Block) built in 1908-1910. While there’s been change from era to era, it’s minimal and the building appears...

Coleman Miners Hospital

Coleman Miners’ Hospital 100 Years Apart

This time we’re in the Crowsnest Pass of Alberta and our subject for this comparison, albeit off in the distance, is the former Coleman Miners’ Hospital. It and the hill in back are the only things visible in both images to tie the two eras together. A hundred years sperate...

Grain Elevators Turin AB

Grain Elevators of Turin Alberta

While only thirty seven years separate the photos in this Then & Now, the change has been dramatic. Our subjects today are the grain elevators of Turin Alberta and if this comparison demonstrates anything, is that nothing is forever. That’s even out in rural parts where time seemingly stands still....

Silver Creek Mine Dump

Silver Creek Coal Mine Skunk Hollow

We’re a bit unsure about this comparison. Presenting a Schrodinger’s Then & Now, if you will, that may or may not show the same location roughly a century apart. The old photo is of the Silver Creek Coal Mine in Skunk Hollow Alberta, that much is known, but there’s contradictory...

Dunshalt AB Railways

Dunshalt Alberta 1974 and 2013

Dunshalt Alberta might appear on maps but there’s really nothing there. None the less it’s the focus of this piece. At one time two competing railways crossed paths here but that’s history now. We’re not that far from the big city of Calgary, but it feels like the middle of...

JB Fletcher Ainsworth BC

JB Fletcher’s Ainsworth BC ~45 Years Apart

Presenting JB Fletcher’s, Ainsworth British Columbia, and it’s seen roughly forty five years apart. This former general store was photographed by Beautiful British Columbia Magazine back in 1978 and a comparison shot captured by us a year or so ago. It’s a timeless scene! The store had only been closed...

Frank Slide Turtle Mountain

Bellevue & The Frank Slide ~55 years apart

We’re in Bellevue Alberta, southern part of the province and right in the front ranges of the Rockies. Here’s the business district and in the background the incredible scar on Turtle Mountain. Welcome to the Crowsnest Pass region (our home away from home) and it’s most noteworthy feature, the Frank...

Great Beater Challenge 2023

Coming Soon (1)!

Coming Soon (1st installment): presenting places we’ve explored the last little while and the posts that will come from these incredible adventures. We’re talking a wild assortment and we’re sure you’ll enjoy every single one as much as we did documenting them. We simply love what we do, and beyond...

Alberta Prairie Ry #41

27 Years Apart with Alberta Prairie Ry #41

Here’s a Then & Now with a BIGDoer family connection and it was only twenty seven years in the making. Presenting our kid and his kid (our grandkid) both at ten years old in the cab of the same excursion steam locomotive. The original was captured in Donalda and the...

Ft Macleod Alberta

Fort Macleod Alberta ~75 Years Apart

Welcome to another (hopefully) fun and informative Then & Now! In this instalment we’re looking at downtown Fort Macleod Alberta and comparing two shots taken roughly seventy five years apart. This community is timeless and incredibly appears little changed over time. Take a look for yourself! The Then photo...

Chinook Motel Crowsnest Pass AB

Chinook Motel Crowsnest Pass ~50 Years Apart

The subject in today’s Then & Now is the quaint-looking Chinook Motel, Sentinel Alberta, in the scenic and historic Crowsnest Pass. With Crowsnest Mountain a backdrop, we’ll first look at it in the 1960s, thanks to an old postcard image sent in by a reader, and then again some fifty...

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