Historic - Abandoned - Then & Now - ADVENTURE!

Main Street Stavely AB

A Few Minutes in Stavely Alberta

The quaint little town of Stavely Alberta is found just over one hundred kilometres south of Calgary and to those travelling the #2, most noteworthy for its huge grain elevator there beside the highway. It can’t be missed and the tall blue/green structure looms over “downtown”, passing motorists and the...

Mini Stonehenge

Mini-Stonehenge in Torrington Alberta

Dateline Torrington Alberta and it’s early in 2022. Someone, and we can’t shake the feeling that it’s a person with far too much time on their hands (wink, wink) has built a mini-Stonehenge out of random blocks of concrete. Why? Wait, the big question is why not? It’s one of...

Highway Surf Side

Trans-Canada Highway Surf Side

There we were returning from a little hike out in Kananaskis Country (here: Eagle Hill) and out of nowhere it’s a chance discovery. It’s a highway Surf Side, caught along the Trans-Canada and a fitting end to a great road-trip adventure. It’s like the cherry on top – a good...

40 Mile Rail Locomotives

Locomotives of 40 Mile Rail (Amazing Skies)

A chance encounter earns us a couple wonderful minutes getting to know the locomotives of 40 Mile Rail down in Southern Alberta. Trains are something we’re more into than our readers so normally not many pics like this are shared. Emphasis on normally. With such a spectacular setting we just...

Cosmopolitan Hotel Castor Alberta

Downtown Castor Alberta (Cosmopolitan Hotel)

We’re in downtown Castor Alberta and armed with an old image to be used in another BIGDoer.com Then & Now comparison. Standing roughly on the same spot where the original photographer did about a 110 years ago, we’ll look into what’s the same (a little) and what’s changed (a lot)...

Fort MacLeod Alberta

Prairie Sentinels: Fort MacLeod Alberta

There were once thousands of wood grain elevators across the Canadian plains, but the numbers have thinned considerably over the years. Almost every town in the grain belt had one, or more, and long before you arrived, you’d see them off in the distance. In this post we’ll take a...

Underground Coal Mine Power Building

When Coal was King (Mine Substation)

We’re taking you back to when coal was king and use of the fuel wide spread. It heated homes and powered industry, among others. The rather insignificant building seen here is hidden away in a coulee and functioned as a mine substation. Right here and on this very spot was...

Dino Egg Boler Trailer

Dino Egg Boler (Streets of Edmonton)

There we were driving about the provincial capitol and minding our own business, when out of nowhere something catches our eye. A couple blocks ahead, a familiar form is spotted, on the move, and soon a chase ensues. Always at posted speeds that is. If it times right, we just...

Slocan City BC

Slocan British Columbia 81 Years Apart

Today it happens down on the waterfront in Slocan British Columbia and for your enjoyment we present two comparison photos taken eighty one years apart. The first, captured in 1940, shows a railway barge setup and the other, how the location looks in 2021. The “then” photo comes thanks to...

Grave Markers Trout Lake

Trout Lake BC Cemetery

The Trout Lake BC Cemetery is well hidden by the forest and all but a few burials date back to the early days. It’s a lost corner in this former mining boom town and the most frequent visitors the local bear population. Peace and tranquility reign supreme, deep in this...

Alley Rhubarb Calgary

Back Alley Rhubarb Calgary

As long time city residents, we’ve noticed there seems be a proliferation of back alley rhubarb growing in certain 1950s-1960s era neighbourhoods throughout the city. Our community fits that time frame, and yes, we need only go a block or two to find some. They usually appear deliberately and strategically...

CLC CPA16-4 Locomotive

The Sidewalks of 10th Ave S Cranbrook

There’s some interesting sidewalk tiles underfoot in this British Columbia community. If you know where to look that is. They pay homage to various classes of Canadian Pacific Railway locomotives and are located on 10th Ave S Cranbrook, in downtown. From what we know they were placed fairly recently and...

Tuxedo Park School Calgary

Tuxedo Park School (1920 and 1956-7)

We’re spending a quiet evening with Tuxedo Park School (North Calgary) simply wandering about and snapping a few photos. The faculty was built in two stages, 1920 and then expanded upon greatly in the 1956-7 before closing some years back. With the property currently in limbo, there’s uncertainty at every...

Walking Didsbury AB

Didsbury Alberta Town Loop

Here’s a pleasant urban-hike in the charming community of Didsbury Alberta. It’s more a relaxed stroll about town, than anything serious, but not everything needs to be an expedition. There will be many historic homes seen and here’s a spoiler: they’re simply gorgeous! Then there’s lots of century(+) old buildings...

Two Bolers Calgary

Two Bolers For The Price Of One

We’re getting two for the price of one and here’s a pair of Bolers that when not in use are stored out back of a home in an alley. These ones are well known to us and we’ve passed them by many times before (see:Bolers, After Dark). They’re in a...

Wayne Alberta From Above

Looking Down on Wayne Alberta

This is a reworked Then & Now originally posted ten years ago and takes inspiration from by Mike Dunham-Wilkie’s well known train photographs of Wayne Alberta. His shots are from 1978. We’re reusing our original now photos, but have revised and updated the info. Ugly and somewhat outdated, the piece...

Viking AB Telephone Exchange

Downtown Viking Alberta (w Harry Palmer)

Here’s a comparison look at one little corner of downtown Viking Alberta thirty four years apart. The expression “some things change and some stay the same” truly applies here. Certainly many things have vanished since the original image was captured in 1988, but the scene still feels the same. This...

1959 Stampede Dream Home

1959 Calgary Stampede Dream Home

Here’s a look at second oldest Calgary Stampede Dream Home (from 1959 – at the time called the Stampede Give-Away Home) and in outward appearances it looks much as it did when new. This lottery has been going on so long it’s become essential to the Stampede experience and tickets...

Lorraine Railway Bridge

Lorraine Railway Bridge Remains

These concrete piers, seen off in the distance, are all that remains of the Canadian Pacific’s Lorraine railway bridge. The line it supported dates back to the mid-1910s, but didn’t last long and everything removed roughly four decades later. In the railway business that’s the blink of an eye and...

Saint Mary's Church Interior

Nativity of Virgin Mary (St Mary’s)

Today we’re visiting Nativity of the Virgin Mary Romanian Orthodox Church (or simply St Mary’s), built in the 1910s and last used many years ago. The Parish kept it intact even after the last services were held, but since our visit a couple years back, we’re told its been emptied...

Prairie Sentinels: Willingdon Alberta

Prairie Sentinels: Willingdon Alberta

It’s the last one in Willingdon Alberta and one of the very last wood grain elevators built in the entire province. While adapted for the era, it’s not all that different in form and construction from prairie sentinels dating back to the early 1900s. It’s old school tech and came...

Mewata Drill Hall

Mewata Armoury Downtown Calgary

Mewata Armoury is located at the west end of Calgary’s downtown core and a well known landmark that’s stood here for over a century. Architecturally stunning, this brick and sandstone edifice is a ceremonial and training base for a number of Canadian Forces regiments/groups. Built during World War One, it...

Crowsnest Mountain & Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake & Crowsnest Mountain

Almost seventy five years separates the two images shown here and outside one obvious change, the scene has an otherwise timeless quality. Emerald Lake & Crowsnest Mountain, in the Crowsnest Pass of Alberta, feature prominently in both and are a sight to behold. The then image is from a postcard...

The Bear Stare

Random Pick: The Bear Stare

The Bear Stare: here’s a random pick photo from the collection showing a brief but memorable face to face encounter that happened out near Trout Lake British Columbia. That place is simply crawling with those furry beasts and encounters quite common. There we were burning down some logging road, at...

Bower Ponds Red Deer

Red Deer Alberta: River Loop

The fun this fine day happens in Red Deer Alberta and here’s a nice little pathways loop that starts close to the downtown core. It all takes place in the middle of the city, but sometimes you may not know it. The parks, natural green spaces and wooded groves you’ll...

Boler Spotting Game

Another Random Boler

Long story short: so there we were searching out the former home of an artifact from the Pioneer Acres Museum collection (in Irricana Alberta) and what’s that we see over there? Out of the corner of our eyes, it’s a special distraction, something unexpected but never unwelcomed. Parked down the...

Meeting Creek Train Station

Meeting Creek Railway Station

We’re visiting the restored Meeting Creek Railway Station in central Alberta and shooting a slight variation on our popular Then & Now series. It’s a perfectly delightful spring evening, we’re here all alone and since we’re shooting a general historic piece on the building anyway, let’s have a little more...

St Anne of the Prairies Trochu

Two Churches Trochu Alberta

Two Churches Trochu Alberta: a look at historic St Anne of the Prairies Catholic and St John’s Lutheran, the latter doubling as a home, in this charming little community. We are no strangers to challenging conditions and this outing was on one most frigid days in all of early 2022....

Jessie's Castor AB

Jessie’s – Royal Cafe – Golden Crown

This shuttered business in Castor Alberta has had many names over the years – Jessie’s Cafe – Royal Cafe – Golden Crown – but later tenants never bothered to change the old sign. It goes back something close to seventy five years (give or take) and maybe kept out of...

Alberta Midland - CNoR Calgary

Alberta Midland – CNoR Calgary

Here’s the most northerly extant section of an unfinished railway line that was to run south from Calgary. Part of Canadian Northern Railway’s Alberta Midland,. it dates from the 1910s and a planned foray into southwestern Alberta. This was in competition with the dominate player in the region, Canadian Pacific...

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